The Gazette 1992
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WHO WILL FIGHT IRELAND'S NUMBER ONE KILLER? Heart Attack and Stroke cause 50% of all deaths in Ireland. WE WILL IHF, a registered charitable organisation, fights Heart Disease and Stroke through Education, Community Service and Research. IF YOU WILL Remember the IHF when you are making your will — you can contribute to our work without losing capital or income during your lifetime.
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During 1990 the Irish Kidney Association's Donor Awareness Programme helped 200 people suffering Kidney, Heart and Liver failure to receive a second chance for life. The Irish Kidney Association could not carry this life- saving work without the help of informed caring members of the community - such as the legal profession. Finance received through bequests/donations has enabled not only educational and research programmes but also the purchase of life-saving equipment for hospitals nationwide. The Irish Kidney Association is proud of its record of treating people from all walks of life and from all parts of the country as equal beneficiaries of its services.
I R I SH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION Donor House, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Ph: 01-689788/9 Fax:01-683820 Registered in Ireland, No: 66109 Chy No: 6327
IRISH HEART FOUNDATION 4 Clyde Road, Dublin 4. Telephone: 01-685001.
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WHERE THERE'S A WILL THIS IS THE WAY... When a client makes a will in favour of the Society, it would be appreciated if the bequest were stated in the following words: Pounds to the Irish Cancer Society Limited to be applied by it for any of its charitable objects, as it, at its absolute discretion, may decide." "/ give, devise and bequeath the sum of
Concern is a non denominational voluntary organisiation devoted to the relief, assistance and advancement of peoples in need in less developed areas of the world. If your client wishes to make o will in favour of Concern, further information on our work is available from Concern Development Department. Co N«RH l Upper C amd en St. Dublin 2. Tel. 6 8 1 2 3 7 GIVE THEMA WILL TO LIVE
All monies received by the Society are expended within the Republic of Ireland.
"Conquer Cancer Campaign" is a Registered Business Name and is used by the Society for some fund raising purposes. The "Cancer Research Advancement Board" allocates all Research Grants on behalf of the Society.
IRISH CANCER SOCIETY 5 Northumberland Road, Dublin4, Ireland. Tel: 681855
Concern is a Company limited by guarantee without a share capital. Registered in Dublin, Number 39647.
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