The Gazette 1992
JUNE 1992
1C-192/91, Commission -v- Ireland.
13. Case 152/84, Marshall -v-
27. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 16-17.' 28. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 18-19. 29. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 21t23. 30. Opinion of Mischo AG, delivered 28 May 1991, at para. 1. 31. on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the protection of employees in the event of the insolvency of their employer (OJ, L 283/23) see, in particular, recital 5 thereof. 32. Case 22/87, Commission -v- Italy, [1989] ECR 143, where the Court referred to Art. 11 of the directive. Italy took no subsequent steps to comply with its obligations. See Opinion of Mischo AG, at para. 3. 33. Case 148/78, Pubblico Ministero -v- Ratti, at para. 23; Case 8/81, Becker -v- Finanzamt Miinster-Innenstadt, at para. 25; Case C-221/88, European Coal & Steel Community - v- Faillite Acciaierie e ferriere Busseni SpA, [1990] ECR I - 495, at para. 22. 34. Opinion of Mischo AG, at para. 8; judgment of the Court, at para. 12. 35. Opinion of Mischo AG, at paras. 27-31; judgment of the Court, at paras. 23-26. 36. which, inter alia , obliges Member particular, to ensure fulfilment of the obligations arising out of this TVeaty or resulting from action taken by the institutions of the Community." 37. "A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is States to "take all appropriate measures, whether general or 38. Opinion of Mischo AG, at para. 33. 39. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 31 & 32. 40. Judgment of the Court, at para. 33. 41. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 34-35. 42. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 36-37. 43. Judgment of the Court, at para. 38. 44. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 39-40. 45. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 42-44. 46. Judgment of the Court, at paras. 45-47. 47. Council Directive 85/374 of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning liability for defective products (OJ, L 210/29). 48. The Commission commenced Art. 169 proceedings against Ireland; case addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods."
49. Case 152/84, Marshall -v- Southampton & South-West
Southampton and South-west Hampshire Area Health Authority [1986] ECR 723 at para 48. 14. See Case 190/87, Oberkreisdirektor des Kreises Borken -v- Handelsonderneming Moormann BV, [1988] ECR 4689, at paras. 21-24. 15. Case C-213/89, Regina -v- Secretary of State for Transport ex parte Factortame Ltd, [1990] ECR I - 2433; Joined Cases 143/88 & 92/89, Zuckerfabrik Siiderdithmarschen AG -v- Hauptzollamt Itzehoe and Zuckerfabrik Soest GmbH -v- Hauptzollamt Paderborn, [1991] ECR 1-415. For discussion of these cases see Collins, "The Availability of Interim Relief in National Courts to Uphold Community Law Rights", [1992] IJEL50. 16. Case C-208/90, Emmott -v- Minister for Social Welfare, 25 July 1991, not yet reported. 17. Joined Cases C-6 «St 9/90, Francovich & Bonifaci -v- Italy, 19 November 1991, not yet reported. 18. Council Directive 79/7 of 19 December 1978 (OJ 1979, L 6/24). Art. 8(1) gave Member States the relatively generous time limit of six years to comply with the directive. 19. Case 286/85. McDermott & Cotter - v- Minister for Social Welfare & the Attorney General, [1987] ECR 1453, at paras. 10-16. 20. Case C-377/89, McDermott & Cotter -v- Minister for Social Welfare & the Attorney General, [1991 [ ECR 1-1155 at paras. 18-22, 24. 21. No. 14 of 1985. 22. Rules of the Superior Courts, 1986, O. 84, r. 21 (1). See Collins & O'Reilly, Civil Proceedings and the State in Ireland: a Practitioner's Guide, (Dublin, 1990), at paras. 4.32-4.34. 23. Opinion of Mischo AG, delivered 23 April 1991, at para. 38. 24. Case 33/76, Rewe -v- Landwirtschaftskammer Saarland, [1976] ECR 1989, at para. 5. See also Case 45/76, Comet -v- Produktschap voor Siergewassen, [1976] ECR 2043, at para. 12. 25. Case 199/82, Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato -v- San Giorgio SpA, [1983] ECR 3595, at para. 12. 26. See Case 45/76, Comet, op. cit., at paras. 13 and 16; Case 130/79 Express Dairy Foods Ltd -v- Intervention Board for Agricultural Products [1980] ECR 1887, at para. 12; Case 826/79 Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato -v- MIRECO [1980] ECR 2559, at para. 13; Case 811/79 Amministrazione delle Finanze dello Stato -v- Ariete [1980] ECR 2545, at para. 12; Case 158/80 Rewe -v- Hauptzollamt Kiel [1981] ECR 1805, at para. 44.
Hampshire Area Health Authority, [1986] ECR 723, at paras. 46-48; Case c-188/89, Foster -v- British Gas pic, [1990] ECR I - 3313, at paras. 16-20. For commentary on these cases see Curtin, "The province of government; delimiting the direct effect of directives in the common law context" (1990) 15 ELRev. 195; Prechal, "Remedies after Marshall," (1990) 27 CMLRev. 451. 50. see the foreword to Curtin, Irish Employment Equality Law, (Dublin, 1989), at pp. xviii-xix. "The Constitution and the Communities - scope for Stress?" in O'Reilly ed. Human Rights and Constitutional Law: Essays in Honour of Brian Walsh, (Dublin, 1992) at pp 233-4. 51. In Pesca Valentia -v- Minister for Fisheries & Forestry, [1985] IR 193, the Supreme Court granted an interlocutory order to suspend the application of Irish law on the ground that its provisions might conflict with Community law. This was about five years before the Court of Justice gave judgment in Factortame I. 52. It was pointed out in Case 45/76, Comet, at paras. 13-15, that Arts. 100 to 102 and 235 of the EEC TVeaty enable appropriate steps to be taken to eliminate differences in the laws of the Member States which would impede the exercise of rights at Community law. In general, the Treaties will not bear an interpretation which might encourage the non-observance of Community law; see Case 173/73, Italy -v- Commission, [1974] ECR 709, at para. 8. 53. Contrast the approach of the Court in these two cases with that adopted in Factortame I. 54. Case C-271/91, Marshall -v- . Southampton & South West Hampshire Area Health Authority, reference from the House of Lords, 14 October, 1991. 55. Council Directive 76/207 of 9 February 1976 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion and working conditions (OJ, L 39/40). 56. The provision of the directive at issue, Art. 6, does not have direct effect: Case 14/83, Von Colson & Kamann -v- Land Nordrhein Westfalen. [1984] ECR 1891, at para. 27. 57. On this topic see also Schwarze,
"Tendencies Towards a Common Administrative Law in Europe," (1991) 16 ELRev. 3.
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