The Gazette 1992
INDEX VOL. 86 (1992)
ARBITRATION COMMITTEE members 1992-1993. 10: 378 practice notes see under Practice notes
This is a comprehensive index to subjects covered in the Gazette, the major headings being - Articles, Associations and Societies; Book reviews, Company Law, Correspondence, Editorials, European Commun- ities; Law Society, Lost Wills, Practice Notes, President s Message, Solicitors, Sports activities etc.
ARTICLES Are You Sitting Comfortably? - EC Health and Safety Framework Directive (H. Barry), 8: 319-20 Auditing Company Accounts - Watchdog or Blood- hound? (M. O Ceidigh), 3: 101-5 The Building Control Act, 1990 and the New Building Control Regulations (J. Furlong), 4: 137-40 The Competition Act, 1991 - An Overview (J. Meade), 1: 7-10 Directives and Damages in Domestic Courts (A.M. Collins), 5: 173-80 Eurlegal Library (M. Byrne), 3: 113-14 Evaluation of Cognitive Disorders following Head Injury (M. O'Connor), 7: 263-64 Germany's Place in the New Europe (P. Murphy, address to Law Society annual conference), 5: 194 Inheritance Tax and the Evolution of Section 60 and Section 119 Policies (L. Clarke), 8: 297-98 Joint Ownership of the Family Home (J. Mee) 2 59- 62 Law Society Library - Law Reports, Legislation and Other Materials (M. Gaynor), 5: 181-83 Liability to Maintain [social welfare code] (M. Cousins), 10: 387-89 The Obligation to Give Reasons for Administrative Decisions (M. Collins), 5: 195-99; 6: 231-234 Optical Imaging Technology and the Legal Pro- fession (J. Furlong), 1: 31 Performing Rights - The Price of Pleasure (M. Tyrrell), 6: 235-38 A Profession. . . If We Can Keep It (speech of Hon. Martin Feldman to DSBA), 6: 219-20 Prosecuting Fraud in a Common Law Jurisdiction - A Reply (M. Staines), 1: 13-15 Reform of Occupier's Liability? (E. O'Dell), 8: 303-6- 9: 359-364 Registration of Charges: Foreign Companies and the Slavenhurg File (T.B. Courtney), 4: 151-56 Retirement Planning - It's Never Too Early to Start (H. Cassidy), 10: 407-8 Statutory Interpretation of the Rule in Clayton's Case (C. Doyle), 3 115-18 technology notes see Technology Technology on Trial and Trial by Technology (paper by D.R. Meagher to 9th Commonwealth Law Conference, synopsis by D. Beattie), 1: 35-39 Unified Germany's Role in Europe (P. Sutherland, add- ress to Law Society annual conference), 5: 193-94
Names of local and international societies are indexed under Associations and Societies.
Note: References are to issue number followed by page number (2: 55 refers to Issue No. 2 (March), page 55)
Abbreviations: (ecll.) -Editorial\viewpoint; (Itr.) - letter to the Editor; (pr.) - Practice note; (Pres.) - President's Message. (pict) - picture. ABORTION American Bar Association debate, 7: 255 The Attorney-General v X and Others (edited by S. McDonagh) rev., 6: 229 information Open Door Counselling Ltd v Ireland (ECHR 29 Oct. 1992), 10: 395-96
ACTS OF THE OIREACHTAS see Legislation Index
ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATES payment of funeral accounts (pr.), 7: 271
ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE computers in the courtroom (J. Furlong), 4: 172 Technology on Trial and Trial by Technology (paper by D.R. Meagher), 1: 35-39 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW The Obligation to Give Reasons for Administrative Decisions (M. Collins), 5 195-99; 6: 231-34
ADVERTISING REGULATIONS see Solicitors' Advertis- ing Regulations 1988
AGRICULTURE milk quota leases (pr.), 4: 147
AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION see /mr/er Associations a nd societies
APPOINTMENTS see under People
- achievement award for Anita Hill, 7: 256 - annual meeting (August 1992), 7: 255-57; 7: 245 (pict.)- 266 (pict.) - Expo 1992, 2: 57, 7: 255 - Gavel Awards, 7: 255
APPRENTICESHIP Education - A New Approach? (Pres.), 4: 131 SADSI winners of International Moot Competition, 3: !06 (pict.)
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