The Gazette 1992

N E W s Waterford Solicitor Sails Atlantic In Aid of Charity



Colin Chapman, senior partner of Kenny Stephenson and Chapman, Waterford, Dublin and London, on 7th June next will join an international fleet at Plymouth for the start of the 1992 "Europe 1" Singlehanded Transatlantic Yacht Race in his 50* Bermudan Ketch "Deerhound". This endeavour which represents the fulfilment of a lifelong ambition for Colin is also to be used as a fund raising project in association with the Irish Cancer Society to be known as the "Deerhound Lifeline for Cancer". Despite the tremendous courage and determination necessary to even contemplate entry to this event, Colin regards it as slightly self- indulgent and was, therefore, very keen that his participation be used to raise money for charity. He has lost a number of close friends to cancer and so what better worthy cause as his first choice. The Irish Cancer Society responded with enthusiasm and the Deerhound Lifeline for Cancer was conceived. Colin Chapman was born in May 1936. He was educated at Bishop Foy School, Waterford and Trinity College, Dublin, (BA LLB Michealmas 1962). He commenced his legal career in England with the firm Gregory Rowcliffe only to return to Ireland after a short time when his father died suddenly. He joined his late fathers practice W.E. Chapman which shortly thereafter amalgamated with Kenny Stephenson to form Kenny Stephenson and Chapman the firm of which Colin is today the senior partner. Colin specialises in tax law and is also a consultant with the London firm Charles Russell, Lincolns Inn.

He was admitted to the English Law Society in January 1991.

Ever since he can remember, Colin has been involved with boats of some kind. From the first boat he built himself using orange boxes and canvas through various dinghys and yachts to his purchase of "Deerhound" in 1988. "Deerhound" is a 50' Auxiliary Bermudian Ketch built in 1970 to the design of Ted Hood. Since owning her Colin has had considerable adventure with her. In 1988 he was dismasted in a storm in the Bay of Biscay with the family on board. He returned under jury rig. For this feat of exceptional seamanship he was awarded the Rockabil TVophy by the Irish Cruising Club. The 1989 "Deerhound", with Colin, his wife, Jeanne, and crew of three crossed the Atlantic arriving in Barbados on Christmas Day. After some time cruising the Carribean "Deerhound" again faced the rigours of the Atlantic returning to Ireland via the Azores. The final leg of this trip from the Azores home was completed by Colin alone thereby fulfilling his qualification of a singlehanded trip of over 500 miles necessary for entry into Europe 1 Single Handed Transatlantic Race. This trip was not without its excitement starting with the log getting caught in the rudder and then the weather getting colder and the sea rougher as progress was made north. Again showing exceptional navigation and seamanship Colin arrived safely back at Castlehaven on 23 June, 1990. He was subsequently awarded for the second consecutive time the Rockabil TVophy by the Irish Cruising Club.


Colin Chapman aboard his yacht, Deerhound, a 50 ft. auxiliary Bermudian Ketch. All Colin's experiences will equip him well for the race across the Atlantic which starts on 7 June, 1992 from the Royal Western Yacht Club, Plymouth and we wish him well. He expects to get to the finish at Newport, Rhode Island some 30 days later. A full programme of fund raising activities is being arranged by the Deerhound Lifeline for Cancer Fund Committee of which more will be heard in due course. As the entire costs of race participation are being fully met by Colin himself every pound raised will go to the Fund. It you would like to support the project you can do so by either sending a donation or by running an event, (coffee morning, lunch, dinner, barbecue or what you will). Donations or further information: James Cassidy, Esq., Deerhound Lifeline for Cancer, Irish Cancer Society, Northumberland Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Tel: 01-681855.

(Cheques payable to: Deerhound Fund-Irish Cancer Society).

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