The Gazette 1992
will be made to deal with requests as efficiently as possible. Patrick Evans Milk Policy Division Department of Agriculture and Food, The Gazette is grateful to Oliver Ryan-Purcell for supplying the above item.
(5) Map of holding, marked clearly as requested. You are requested to read this circular in conjunction with the circular of 9 December, 1991. Where all the requirements are met, and the necessary completed documentation
Stamp Duty Amnesty
In his Budget Speech the Minister for Finance announced the introduction of an interest and penalty amnesty for certain documents liable to stamp duty. The purpose of the amnesty is to encourage the payment of duty on old, unstamped documents. The Finance Bill, 1992, has provisions in section 181 giving a statutory framework to the amnesty. Significant Features The significant features of the amnesty are: • only documents executed before 1 November, 1991 which were unstamped on 30 January, 1992 qualify for the amnesty. • under the terms of the amnesty the interest and penalties payable between 1 July, 1992, and 30 September, 1992 (inclusive), interest and penalties will be charged, but they shall be calculated as if the instrument was executed on 1 June, 1992. • as from 30 September, 1992, the amnesty will cease to have effect and any instruments to which the amnesty would have applied will be stamped thereafter only on payment of full penalties. In summary, these provisions mean that if a relevant document is stamped before 1 July, 1992 it escapes all interest and penalties for laft? payment. However interest and penalties are payable on any later payments. Up to 30 September, interest and penalties will be calculated on the basis that the document should have been stamped by 30 June, 1992 - thus the date of execution will be deemed to be 1 on these instruments will be waived in whole or in part, depending on the date of payment. • where payment of duty is made before 1 July, 1992, there will be no interest or penalties charged. • where payment of duty is made
in the case of inter-purchasers transactions is received in the Department, every effort
Registry of Deeds (Fees) Order 1991
Practitioners should note that as and from the l April, 1992 the following fees apply in the Registry of Deeds.
Registration of Memorials Upon every memorial registered
Certificates of Registration For every certificate of registration beyond the first or special certificate of registration
Common Search upon Names made by Office under a Requisition (a) For each different name for any period not exceeding ten years £2.00 (b) For each different name for every additional period of ten years or part thereof. £2.00
Continuation of a Common Search For each different name
Negative Search upon Names made by Office under a Requisition (a) For each different name for any period not exceeding ten years £4.00 (b) For each different name for every additional period of ten year or part thereof £4.00
Continuation and/or Closing of Negative Search For each different name
Search by Members of the Public General search without limitation, each day by every person
Copies Memorial For every certified copy of a memorial
Entry of Satisfaction of Mortgage
Inspection of Original Memorial or Affidavit For every original memorial or affidavit produced for inspection in the office £1.0 Note: The attention of members is drawn to a Newsletter on the Building Control Act, published by the Conveyancing Committee, which is being distributed as an insert with this issue of the Gazette. See also article on Page 137.
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