The Gazette 1992
JUNE 1992
IBA 24th Biennial Conference
• that multi-storey buildings constructed after 1 June, 1992 will be governed by the Building
first be obtained. A Fire Safety Certificate will not be required where a building is proposed to be used as a dwelling (other than a flat). Any works or material change of use carried out after 1 June, 1992 will require to be effected in compliance with the Regulations. Notice of such works or material change of use must be given to the relevant Building Control Authority in advance. Thereafter, enforcement and supervision will be on a random basis under Section 11 of the Act. The Control Regulations will not apply to exempted developments save where such developments require a Fire Safety Certificate. Building-Regulations and either confirms that they do not apply to the particular building or that the building has been constructed in accordance with same; • where necessary a fire safety certificate has been obtained and that any conditions have been complied with; • that no enforcement notice has been served or if it has that it has been complied with. When purchasing or taking security over a new building ensure that:- • the architect's Certificate of Compliance deals with the
Control Act rather than the Multi-Storey Building Act.
Cannes 20-25 September 1992
In the new building control environment contemplated by the Act, it will be essential when acting for either a purchaser, developer or financier of property to ensure the Regulations and in particular that the central provisions concerning the Fire Safety Certificates have been complied with. • Setting up Practice in the 90s The Younger Members Committee of the Law Society recently held a seminar in the House of Lords, College Green, Dublin, jointly hosted by the Bank of Ireland. The theme of the Seminar, Setting up Practice in the 90s attracted a capacity audience of newly qualified solicitors and apprentices to the august surroundings of the House of Lords. Speakers included Brian O'Reilly, solicitor, Michael Garrigan, Commercial Division, Bank of Ireland and Harry Cassidy, Associate Director, IBI. The Younger Members Committee intends to hold similar seminars around the country within the coming months. Newly-qualified solicitors and current apprentices are invited to suggest topics of particular interest to them so that further seminars can be organised later in the year. Our thanks go to Moya Quinlan, former President of the Law Society who agreed to chair the seminar at short notice and to Pat Dunleavy, Manager, Bank of Ireland, College Green, for his generous hospitality.
The International Bar Association will hold its 24th Biennial Conference in Cannes, 20-25 September, 1992. The Conference, the most important international event in the legal world calendar, is expected to be attended by over 3,000 international lawyers, and their guests. Topics scheduled for discusion include: • The Environment and Crime • Invasion of Privacy: How Far the Press Can and Should Go • The Accusatory versus the Inquisitorial systems • Cameras in the Courtroom • Human Rights and Ethnic Conflicts in Eastern Europe • Discrimination in Employment • Money and Crime • Compelling by Court Order in Common and Civil Law Discontinuance of Life Support Systems and Testing for AIDS • The Independence of the Judiciary The IBA is the world's foremost association of lawyers, comprising over 14,000 individual lawyer members in 130 countries and 137 Law Societies and Bar Associations together representing more than 2.5 million lawyers. The IBA Biennial Conference fulfills one of the Association's most important objectives - the promotion of useful contact and interchange between lawyers throughout the world - as well as providing a forum for the dissemination of specialist information on all areas of the law. For further information please contact: Lorna Macleod, Press Office, International Bar Association, 2 Harewood Place, Hanover Square, London W1R 9HB, England. Tel + 0044 71 629 1206 Fax +0044 71 409 0456. •
When acting for a builder or developer note;
• the requirement to serve a commencement notice on the relevant Building Control Authority within the prescribed time periods;
• the requirement to obtain, where necessary, a fire safety certificate;
• that the Building Control Authorities have powers of inspection and can serve enforcement notices;
• that any breach of the Act or the Regulations is an offence and the penalties for same;
Patricia Boyd
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