The Gazette 1991
Professional Information PATRICIA H A R N EY & CO. wish to advise that they have moved to Shortcastle, Mallow, Co. Cork. Telephone: 022-20140, Fax: 0 2 2 - 2 0 2 89 are unchanged. CONSUL TANCY: Solicitor with 16 years experience of general practice (of which 10 at partnership level), with emphasis on property and commercial transactions; k n o w l e d ge of o f f i ce a dm i n i s t r a t i o n, including the use of computers in the small office; own modest client base; good communication skills, seeks position on part time basis as Consultant with small to medium established city firm, in order to gain free time to pursue legal research project. Terms: negotiable, but longer t e rm partnership potential an advantage. Apply to Box No. 14. Confidentiality assured. L A N I G AN I N T E R N A T I O N AL FRE I GHT LTD., of 96 Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9. Folio No.: 71946L; Lands: Property situate on the north side of Langan Road in the parish and district of Finglas; County: D U B L I N. Accounts Services PROBA T E / TRUST A C C O U N TS prepared for solicitors in Kerry/Cork. Box 12. E X P ER I ENCED L EGAL BOOKKEEPER wishes to do accounts for small firms on part-time basis. Manual or computerised service available. Tel: 8 0 2 2 71 evenings/ weekends, or Box 13.
Law Branch of the Patricans will discuss " D i v o r ce - Remedy or Recipe for B r ea k down" at St. Josephs, 191 Rathgar Rd., on 22 February, at 8.00p.m. Mr. William Binchy will give the first paper. V i m i AM CLIENT COM PAIN Y S E EKS SMALL PARTNERSHIP TO HANDLE ITS AFFAIRS Priorities: - 1. Commercial Orientation 2. Attention to detail 3. Access to partner at all times in office hours 4. Flexible an scale fees REPLY DETAILING SCOPE OF COMMERCIAL EXPERIENCE Box No. 33
CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ARBITRATORS (IRISH BRANCH) TDfliE ° ExiPiEmr ° WETNESS What arc the Rights, Responsibilities and Liabilities of an Expert Witness? Seamus Sorahan S.C. Do you know what the Judiciary thinks of today's Expert witness? The Hon. Mr. Justice John M. Gannon Do you know what Arbitrators think of them? Seán Mc Dermott F.R.I.C.S. F.C.I. Arb. Contact : Anne Bunni Branch Sec. Wi l t on P l a c e, Dublin 2. Phone: 322475 Fax: 326587 l s t M a r c h 1 9 9 1 I . E . I . , 22 Clyde Road, Dublin 2. 2.00 P.M. Followed by Reception at 6.00 P.M. Fee Members £40 Non Members £50
Law Society.
Contracts for Sale Requisitions on Title Building Agreements are all available direct from W . ' K i n g L t d . 54 Bolton Street, Dublin 1. Phone (01) 731463 18 Eustace Street, Dublin 2 Phone (01) 779020.
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