The Gazette 1991
Younger Members News Apprentices Salaries At a meeting of the Younger Members Committee in December 1989 committee members present told the meeting that there was much disquiet among apprentices at the level of salaries paid to them. The recommended rates of pay from 1st May 1987 were: At its meeting in December 1990 the Council then debated the ori- ginal Motion submitted seeking an increase in salaries. The result of this debate was the issue of a guideline e f f ec t i ve f r om 1st Janauary 1991:
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£105.00 per week for the first six months after completion of the Professional Course. £115.00 per week for the second six months. £125.00 per week until the com- mencement of the Advanced Course. While the YMC welcomes the increase in the salary paid to apprentices it was disappointed that the guideline was not extend- ed to include apprentices before they commence the Professional Course. It is hoped that at some time in the future the climate will prevail which will recommend that these apprentices are paid some minimum salary. To conclude the YMC would like to thank the Council and all the members of the profession who gave their support which has resulted in an increase in the salaries paid to apprentices. •
£85.00 per week for the first six months after the completion of the Professional Course £95.00 per week for the second six months. £105.00 per week after twelve months. There was no recommended salary for an apprentice prior to taking the Professional Course. At that meet- ing in December 1989 the YMC took a decision to nominate Joe Kelly, one of its members, to in- vestigate further the views of apprentices on salaries and to produce a report. Joe Kelly, who is also a member of SADSI, obtained the assistance of SADSI members in compiling the report which was then submitted to all members of the Council. Little did the Com- mittee know that this decision would lead to a full scale debate at the Society's Annual General Meet- ing in November 1990. As a result of the YMC's investi- gation a Motion seeking to increase the salary paid to apprentices went before the October 1990 Council Meeting. However, by the time this Motion came up for debate a Motion had been submitted for debate at the Annual General Meeting by the Southern Law Association to the effect that " t he salaries to be paid to apprentices should be determined by market forces . . .". As a result of receiving notification of this Motion the Council deferred debating the Motion seeking to increase ap- prentices salaries. The Annual General Meeting, which was well attended by both those arguing for and against the Motion, resulted in a good deal of debate both inside and outside the meeting. On being put to a vote the Motion submitted by the Southern Law Association was defeated.
SOLICITORS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the One Hundred and Twenty Seventh Annual General Meeting of the SOLICITORS BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION will be held at the Incorporated Law Society's Building, Blackhall Place, Dublin, on Thursday the 21st of March 1991 at 12 noon: 1. To consider the annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30th November 1990. 2 . To elect Directors. 3 . To appoint new Trustees. 4 . To deal wi th other matters appropriate to a General Meeting. CLARE LEONARD Secretary
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