The Gazette 1991
International Award for J ohn F. Buckley
Each year the American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Pro- fessional Education invites nomina- tions for the FRANCIS RAWLE AWARD for outstanding contribu- tions in the field of post-admission legal education. The award, named in honour of a former ABA President, is a highly prestigious one. It includes a purse of $2,500 and an inscribed medallion plaque and is publicly and formally an- nounced at the Annual ALI-ABA Luncheon for its authors and lecturers, this year to be held on the 11th August 1991 during the ABA's annual meeting in Atlanta. The Gazette is proud to an- nounce that this year John F. Buckley, long-term Chairman of the Society's Continuing Legal Edu- cation Sub-Committee and, inter alia, a member of the Gazette Editorial Board, is to be the recipient of the award. Enhancing the honour done to John Buckley is the fact that this is the first time the award has been made to someone from outside the United States. In the joint written nomination of Professor L.G. Sweeney, Director of Training in the Society's Law School, and of Mr. Frank Harris, Director of Minnesota State Bar Continuing Legal Education, (the latter having worked with him in a number of the areas addressed in the nomination), John's work was considered in the four phases of post-admission legal endeavour wh i ch fell to be addressed: publishing, lecturing, programme creation and administration. John's
record allowed wide scope for elaboration of the major contri- bution he has made in all four spheres, not only nationally but with a substantial international dimension. Included in the nomination are references to the following:- 1. In publishing, John Buckley's work on the Publications Committee of the Law Society in addressing the problem of the absence of Irish texts on Irish Law and his work as Section Publications Officer and Chair- man of General Practice Section of the International Bar Association; 2. In lecturing, his period of office as Lecturer in Conveyancing and Land Law to the Society in the decade up to 1972, his contributions to C.L.E. pro- grammes in the areas of Commercial Property Law and Arbitration and Defamation, in particular, his major address to the Joint Conference held in Washington in July 1985 bet- ween the Association for Continuing Legal Education Administrators and the IBA. That conference was designed to merge the interest and resources of continuing legal education and the schools of applied law in the common-law countries of the world in addressing the most difficult and challenging of all the aspects of continuing legal education-skills training. The Washington conference is be- lieved to have had a major effect in increasing the emphasis on 189
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