The Gazette 1991

a p r i l 1991

g a z e t t e

injuries cases will run from the date of accrual of the cause of action (as at present) or, if later, from the date of knowledge, ue. the date on which the person injured (or other person by or on whose behalf an action is taken) discovered, or should have discovered, that there was a cause of action. This follows in substance the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission (Report on the Statute of Limitations; Claims in respect of Latent Personal injuries LRC 21-1987) and amends and extends the Statute of Limitations 1957 and amends related pro- visions in other statutes. Presented in the Seanad by Senator M. Lanigan 30/4/90. Explanatory and Financial Memo). This Bill makes provision for the prevention of pollution of the sea by oil and other substances; gives effect to the International Con- vention for the Prevention of Pollution by Ships 1973 as modified by its 1978 Protocol (MARPOL 73/78) and gives effect to the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in cases of Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil 1973; provides for the repeal of the Oil Pollution of the Sea Acts, 1956 to 1977, and provides for other related matters. Presented in the Dáil by the Minister for the Marine 7/6/90. Present Position: at Committee Stage in the Dáil 4/12/90, to be resumed. This Bill amends the law relating to offences of damage to property and provides for connected matters, replaces the multiplicity of offences of damage to specific kinds of property in the Malicious Damage Act 1861 with three offences of damage to property in general. The Bill is based, in the main, on the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission in its Report on Malicious Damage (LPC 26-1988). Presented by the Minister for Justice 18/9/90. Second Stage in the Dáil passed 29/11/90. Present Position: Committee Stage in Dáil.

No. 32 of 1990 Contractual Obligations (Applicable Law) Bill, 1990 (plus Explanatory and Financial Memo). This Bill gives the force of law to the Convention on the law appli- cable to Contractual Obligations signed at Rome on behalf of the State on 19th June, 1980, and the Convention on the Accession of the Hellenic Republic to the aforesaid Convention signed at Luxembourg on 10th April, 1984, and provides for connected matters. Presented by Senator Sean Fallon 15/10790. Passed by Seanad Eireann 29/11/90. Present Position: At Second Stage in Dáil. No. 33 of 1990 Child Abduction and Enforcement of Custody Orders Bill, 1990 (plus Explanatory Memo).

Passed by Seanad Eireann 15/11/90; Second Stage in the Dáil passed 29/11/90. Present Position: Committee Stage in Dáil. No. 22 of 1990 Sea Pollution Bill, 1990 (plus

The Bill gives the force of law in the State to: (a) the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, signed at the Hague on 25th October, 1980 (The Hague Convention) and (b) the European Convention on Recogni- tion and Enforcement of Decisions concerning Custody of Children and on Restoration of Custody of Children, signed at Luxembourg on 20th May, 1980 (the Luxembourg Convention). Presented by the Minister for Justice 18/10/90. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 21/3/91. Present Position: Enacted.

No. 34 of 1990 Destructive

insects and Pests Bill, 1990 (plus


Explanatory Memo). This Bill amends the Destructive insects and Pests (Consolidation) Act, 1958, to provide effective deterrents under that Act against the introduction or spreading of destructive insects and pests wh i ch could have devasta- ting economic effects through crop losses and/or the need for expensive eradication measures. Presented by the Minister for Agriculture and Food 19/10/90. Passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas 13/3/91. Present Position: Enacted. No. 35 of 1990 Courts (Supplemental Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 1990 (plus Explanatory Memo).

No. 30 of 1990 Criminal Damage Bill, 1990.

This Bill extends to members of the judiciary and specific court officers certain pension benefits which are already available to most other groups in the public service; amends the Courts (Supplemental


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