The Gazette 1991

april 1991

g a z e t t e

CONVEYANCING HAND-BOOK The Conveyancing Committee are pleased to produce this Handbook being a compilation of Recom- mendations, Practice Notes and Articles on Conveyancing issued by it over the years. In preparing the Handbook, recommendations which are no longer relevant to current Conveyancing Practice, or which were subsequently reviewed by the Committee have been omitted. In some cases explanatory footnotes have been added to draw Practitioners' attention to develop- ments since the original publication of the Practice Notés. It is hoped that the Handbook will prove a useful guide to Practitioners in ascertaining what the Committee consider to be good Conveyancing Practice in particular areas. The Committee's views on such matters have assumed even greater importance in recent years as a result of the system of Certification of Title for Home Loans and the new form of Undertaking agreed with the Irish- Banks Standing Committee whereby the question of what is "a good marketable title" will initially be addressed to the Conveyancing Committee for its adjudication. It should be noted that the re- commendations from the Convey- ancing Committee represent merely the combined wisdom of the Members of the Committee and reflect their thinking at the time of issue. They do not purport to be an authoritative interpretation of the Law the ultimate arbiters of which are the Courts. In many instances recommendations of the Com- mittee are designed to ease Conveyancing Practice and take account of the practicalities of Conveyancing transactions. If there is an inconsistency between any two Practice Notes or Recom- mendations the more recent should be taken to reflect the opinion of the Committee. The Handbook contains the Re- commendations and Practice Notes of the Committee up to August 1990. The Practice Notes published since August are set out below and practitioners are urged to insert copies in the Handbook to keep it fully up-to-date.

October 1990 - November 1990 -

Redemption of Mortgages and Title Documents 11.35. Certificate of Title in relation to Houses in the course of construction. 5.17. Undertakings in the Agreed Forms between the Incor- porated Law Society and the Irish Banks Standing Committee. 2.15. Stamp Duties - The Finance Act, 1990. 9.15. New House Grants. 5.18. Land Registry, Registry of Deeds - handout. Document Schedule in Conditions of Sale. 12.13.

COMPANY SECRETARIAL CONSULTANT PETER H. QUINLAN MBA, AITA A COMPLETE COMPANY SERVICE Advice on Corporate Procedures Drafting of Resolutions and Minutes Arrangement of Company Meetings - Searches and Updates of Company Records Filing Returns and Other Compliance 67 Lansdowne Road Dublin 4 Tel: (01) 684245

December 1990 -

Jan/Feb 1991 -

Office Premises to sublet in Dublin City Centre within five minutes of the Four Courts. Full secretarial facilities negotiable. These premises would be ideal for a sole practitioner or small practice. Reply to Box No. 97

THE IRISH SOCIETY FOREUROPEANLAW LECTUREP OGRAMM EFORSUMMER1991 Thu r sday, J u ne 6 t h 1991: John Meade, E.C. Unit, Arthur Cox & Co., Solicitors - E.E.C. Competition Law - The Impact on the Irish Market. Lectures take place at 8.15p.m. at the Kildare Street and University Club, 17 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, by kind permission. Members and their guests are invited to join the Committee and guest speakers for dinner at the Club at 6.15p.m. on the evening of each lecture. Members intending to dine must communicate with the Registrar, Jean Fitzpatrick, Solicitor's Office, Telecom Eireann, 52 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. (Tel: 01-714444 ext. 5081, Fax; 01-679 3980, Electronic Mail (Eirmail) (Dialcom) 74:EIM076) not later than two days before the dinner, as advance notice must be given to the Club. Membership of the Society is open to lawyers and to others interested in European Law. The current annual subscription is £15.00 (£10 for students, barristers and solicitors in the first three years of practice). Membership forms and further details may be obtained from the Registrar.


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