The Gazette 1991
april 1991
g a z e t t e
4. COMPENSATION FOR PER- SONAL INJURY by G B Hey, P G Meins, W F J Rowlandson, D E A Sanders and R C Wilkinson. Presented to the Institute of Actuaries, March 1980. 5. WORKTIME LOST THROUGH SICKNESS, UNEMPLOYMENT AND STOPPAGES: MEASURE- MENT AND APPLICATION by S Haberman and D S F Bloomfield. Presented to the Institute of Actuaries, April 1990.
Call to Photographers "A photograph is not only an imaga fas a painting is an image), an intarpratation of the real, it is also a trace, something directly stencilled off the real, like a footprint or a death mask". Susan Sontag Readers are requested to send (old or new) photographs of lawyers and photographs (old and new) of scenes associated with lawyers which will be considered for publication in the Gazette. From time to time, a photograph is also required for the front cover. Readers will appreciate that not all photographs, negatives, etc are capable of being reproduced satisfactorily on the Gazette paper. Accordingly, it may not be possible to reproduce all photographs submitted. Photographs must be clear, of an appropriate quality, and should be accompanied by a description of the persons or the scene (Courthouse, etc.) the subject matter of the photograph. All photographs, negatives, etc will be returned to the owners.
Capt. Thomas C. Nash M. INST. PET. Marine Consultancy: Independent Marine Surveyors; Vessel & Terminal Safety Inspection; Recruitment; Procedures Manuals. Cooleen House, Rushbrooke, Cobb, Co. Cork. Tel: 021-811677 Fax: 021-813009 Marine Expert Witness; Ship to Ship Transfer;
German-Irish Lawyers Association The next lecture of the GERMAN-IRISH LAWYERS ASSOCIATION will take place on: WEDNESDAY, 29th MAY 1991 at 6.00 p.m. in GOETHE INSTITUT 39 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. Speaker: Dr. Achim Albrecht, Legal/German Markat Adviser, German -Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Topic: "Lawyers - their qualifications, their field of operation and their opportunities in Germany" Dr. Albrecht, who has a doctorate of law from the University Saarbruecken, has worked as a lawyer at a Bank in Germany and is since January 1991, Head of the Legal and German Market Department of the German-Irish Chamber. He will give an overview of the current situation for lawyers in Germany. WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO THIS EVENT. The admission fee for members of the German-Irish Lawyers Association is £5 and £15 for non-members. Looking forward to meeting you. FELIX McTIERNAN, Irish Vice-President 46 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2.
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