The Gazette 1991

g a z e t t e



EUROPEAN LAWYERS UNION "THE LAWYER AND THE CITIZEN OF 1992" EDINBURGH JUNE 1991 The Un i on 's An n u al Cong r ess w i ll t ake place in Ed i nbu r gh f r om t he 6 t h t o t he 8 t h J u ne 1991. The P r o g r amme is pa c k ed w i t h t o p i cs relevant t o Lawye rs as we app r oa ch t he S i ng le Ma r k e t. The t o p i cs on t he f i r st day i nc l ude t o p i cs s u ch as t he Citizen as a Wo r ke r, Free Mo v eme nt of Persons, t he Citizen as a Con s ume r. The s e c o nd day w i ll deal w i t h t he En v i r onment in t he European C ommu n i ty in t he c on t e xt of 1 9 92 and h ow de v e l opmen ts w i ll a f f e ct bo th t he Lawyer and t he Citizen. The s e c o nd day w i ll also i nc l ude a sess i on dea l i ng w i t h t he S t r u c t u re of Legal Practice in t he Eu r opean C ommu n i ty i n c l ud i ng c on s i de r a t i on of Eu r opean Ec o n om ic I n t e r est Gr oup i ngs, Legal Clubs, Mu l t i - Na t i onal Partnerships etc. The re w i ll also be an exce l l ent social p r o g r amme f or t he De l ega t es and t he ir Partners. I n f o rma t i on on t he Con f e r en ce can be had f r om: Gerald Mo l oney, G.J. Mo l o n ey & Compan y, Co u r t h o u se Chambe r s, 2 7 / 2 9 Wa s h i n g t on S t r ee t, Co r k. Phone (021) 2 7 5 2 6 1 Fax (021) 2 7 1 5 86

'Royal College of / Surgeons in Ireland

WHERE THERE'S A WILL THIS IS THE WAY... When a client makes a will in favour of the Society, it would be appreciated if the bequest were stated in the following words: Pounds to the Irish Cancer Society Limited to be applied by it for any of its charitable objects, as it, at its absolute discretion, may decide." "/ give, devise and bequeath the sum of

AREYOUTHINKINGOFMAKINGAWIL COVENANT, LEGACYORDONATION? Please consider the ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND The R.C.S.I, was founded in 1784. It conducts an International Undergraduate Medical School for the training and education of Doctors. It also has responsibility for the further education of Surgeons, Radiologists, Anaesthetists, Dentists and Nurses. Many of its students come from Third World Countries, and they return to work there on completion of their studies. Medical Research is also an important element of the College's activities. Cancer, Thromboses, Blindness, Blood Pressure, Mental Handicap and Birth Defects are just some of the human ailments which are presently the subject of detailed research. The College is an independent and private institution which is financed largely through gifts, donations, and endowments. Your assistance would be very much appreciated, and would hetp to keep the College and Ireland in the forefront of Medical Research and Education. For tax purposes, the R.C.S.I, is regarded by the Revenue Commissioners as a Chanty. Therefore, gifts and donations may qualify the donors for tax relief. For further information about the College's activities, please contact: The Registrar, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.

All monies received by the Society are expended within the Republic of Ireland.

"Conquer Cancer Campaign" is a Registered Business Name and is used by the Society for some fund raising purposes. The "Cancer Research Advancement . \ \ Board" allocates all Research Grants on behalf of the Society. *





IRISH CANCER SOCIETY 5 Northumberland Road, Dublin4, Ireland. Tel: 681855


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