The Gazette 1990
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FINANCIAL SERVICES LAW THREE LOOSE-LEAF VOLUMES Editors: EZ Lomnicka and JL Powell The Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law is an invaluable aid to understanding the operation of the legislative framework of the Financial Services Act 1986 and can profitably be used by lawyers, accountants and all other professionals in the financial services industry. The Encyclopedia of Financial Services Law consists of three loose-leaf volumes which are regularly updated four times a year with specialist commentary and relevant primary source materials. In addition a monthly bulletin entitled the Commercial and Financial Law Reporter ensures that subscribers are kept informed of developments in advance of the next release. Volume One contains: • An introductory section that describes the origins of the scheme and its legislative progress. • The full text of the Financial Services Act 1986 with extensive annotations. • Statutes relevant to the 1986 Act, including the provisions of the Tribunals Act 1971, the Company Securities (Insider Dealing) Act 1985, the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. • All orders and Regulations made by the Secretary of State under the 1986 Act. • The full text of the SIB's rule book, including explanatory notes and lists of definitions. Volume Two contains: • Selected extracts from the SIB's Annual Reports. • Relevant EC materials, including directives relating to UCTIS, Listing Particulars and Admissions. • The FIMBRA, IMRO and AFBD rulebooks. Volume Three contains: • The LAUTRO and TSA rulebooks.
• The Rules of the Recognised Investment Exchanges. • The Rules of the Recognised Professional Bodies
0 421 36880 2, Three loose-leaf volumes 1990 Main Work Price £295.00 (price includes service to the end of 1990) Service for 1990, post free £195.00
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