The Gazette 1990
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Mak i ng an investment decision is really like any other judgement we make. It's all about assessing an oppor t un i ty and using sound reasoning to follow it through. That's where experience and precision count. It's these very qualities which make IBI Ireland's l ead i ng investment hank, manag i ng a por t fol io of close to £3 bi l l ion on behalf of a broad range of investors; large and small.
when it comes to investment advice for YOUR client - contact us.
THE INVESTMENT BANK OF IRELAND LIMITED 'Ireland's leading Investment Bank'
HE AD OFFICE: 26 Fil/.vvilliam Plate, Dublin 2. (01) 616466 INVESTMENT CENTRES: 10 Su((oik Street. Dublin 2, (01) 706288. 28 South Mall, Cork. (021) 275711. Park House. ForslerAir,-. (- .i »>""
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