The Gazette 1988



compensation - Local Government (Planning & Development) (No. 2) Bill (edl.) 9 275, 277 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE time limits - judicial review applications (G. Hogan) 8 237-42 PRACTICE NOTES Air Navigation & Transport Act 1988, 7 210 common law motions - practice directions 1 11 Company Law Committee: Companies (Amendment) Act 1986, s. 17 8 245 Company law - publicly quoted companies 8 245 Conveyancing Committee: CGT clearance certificate 7 209 consent of spouses - personal reps. 3 71 negative searches and builders 10 322 payment of deposits - further warning 7 210 pre-1964 developments - evidence of compliance with bye-laws in residential properties 5 141 roads-in-charge certificates 5 141 Courts-Martial (Legal Aid) Regulations 1988, 7 209 Data Protection Act 1988, 10 322 EEC Judgments Convention - HC practice direction 7 209-10 EEC Judgments Convention and the Maintenance Orders Act 1974, 6 170 exchange control - foreign securities changes effective from 1 January 1989, 10 322 General Register Office - fees payable for certificates 3 71 Housing (Rent Tribunal) Regulations 8 245 Litigation Committee: applications to the Master of HC in infant cases - for payment out 7 210 MIBI agreement - proposed amendments - claims against uninsured drivers 4 95 medical negligence cases - panels of expert witnesses 10 322 Lloyd's Underwriters - service of proceedings against 10 322 Local Government (Multi-Storey Buildings) Act 1988 8 245-6 notaries public - applications for appointment 1 11 personal injuries and fatal injuries actions - abolition of right to trial by jury 7 210 registered mail - registration of valuable documents 9 281 Registry of Deeds - fee changes 2 45 social welfare - oral hearings - payments to solicitors 8 245 Stamp Act, 1891 (Somerset House, London) 4 96 Status of Children Act 1987 8 245 taxation: adjudication of stamp duties 4 95-9 CGT guidelines (Revenue Commissioners) 7 209 consultancy service 7 211 deeds of covenant in favour of non-UK resident charities (Revenue Commissioners) 6 170 incentive scheme - clearance of tax arears (Revenue Commissioners) 5 141; 7 (Supplement) self-assessment 7 (supplement) tax relief for borrowings by partners s.36 Finance Act 1974 8 247-8 Technology Committee: court stamping machines 7 210 fading of laser and FAX print 2 45 8

IAVI regional meeting, Clonmel 3 72 Irish Centre for European Law - launch 6 175 conference on financial services 8 252 Irish Oyster opening championships 8 252 Irish Times debating final 2 (cover); 2 42 Joint Legal Education meeting 7 212-13 Kerry Bar Association - annual dinner 2 42 Kildare Bar Association - AGM 2 43 Law Society annual conference, May 1988 5 138-9 Law Society annual dinner March 1988, 4 102-03 Law Society computer upgrading 9 293 Law Society President 1988-9, 10 (cover) Law Society seminar - Companies (No. 2) Bill 5 (cover) Law Society seminar - The Farmer and the Law 9 (cover) Law Society visit to Aras an Uachtarain 2 43 Legal Offices & Technology Exhibition 1988 10 330-1 Mayo Bar Association - annual dance 2 43 Medico-Legal Society, annual dinner 6 175 Millennium Open Week, Blackhall Place 7 (cover) National Ploughing championships - Law Society stand 9 293 North & East Cork Bar Association - retirement dinner for Judge Sean MacD. Fawsitt 6 174-5 O'Reilly (John P.) Bursary 9 292 Phillips competition presentation 8 253 presentation of parchments May 1988 6 174 SADSI "Growth" seminar 9 293 Short term business letting agreement 8 253 Solicitors Apprentices Rugby Club 2 42 Solicitors' Mutual Defence Fund - AGM 8 253 Southern Law Association - luncheon in honour of Judge S. MacD. Fawsitt 7 213 Sports Injuries and the Law symposium 3 72 State Solicitors annual dinner 8 (cover); 8 252 weddings 2 42; 9 292 Wexford Solicitors Association - officers elected 2 42 Younger Members' quiz night 6 176 publications: Essays in Memory of Alexis Fitzgerald (P. Lynch; J. Meenan) reviewed 6 185 retirements: Judge Sean MacD. Fawsitt (P & P) 6 174; 7 213 PERSONAL INJURY ACTIONS abolition of right to trial by jury (pr.) 7 210 evidence - medical photography (C. G. Goggin) 4 113-14 latent injury claims - limitation of actions (M. Hayden) 5 125-31; LRC report 5 125, 130-1 motor accidents in Spain (J. M. de Lorenzo) 5 135-7 restrictions on number of counsel (edl.) 3 59; 7 195, 207 tort reform in the USA - the lessons for Ireland (B. McMahon) 2 33-6 PHOTOGRAPHS see under People and Places PHOTOGRAPHY see Medical Photography PLANNING LAW A Guide to Planning Legislation in the Republic of Ireland (K. I. Nowlan) launched 5 141; reviewed 7 219;

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