The Gazette 1988
Visit by Solicitors to European Court and European Parliament
Apprentices in the District Court
VISIT BY SOLI CITORS TO EUROPEAN COURT AND EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Thirty soliCitors drawn from the Younger Members Committee and Ihe e,E.c. and Internauonal Allalfs Committee of the law Socletv and from the Society of Young Sohcltors vls.ted the European Court In Brussels and the European Parliament In StrasbourQ In January_ The Y1511. which was most informative and Inleresllng, was hosted by Judge Thomas O'Higgins and Mr DaVid O'Keeffe In Brussels and bot Mrs. Mary Banon" MEP and Mr ..10M $molh of the Counc~ of Europe In Strasbourg The delegallon attended a of the Court II'l Brussels follOWing which Judge O' ~""ggon5 hosted an e)!cellenl luncheon. Mrs. Banotll 8H8nged 101 the delegation to attend II seSSion of the European Parhament In Strasbourg, followed by a meeting which was attended by the CommiSSioner, Peter Sutherland and MEPs Marv Banottl, Eileen Lemass, Chris O'MalleV, Paddv Lawless, Gene Fitzgerald and Joe McCartin. and also bv some of the British MEPs. Dmner was hosted bV Mrs. Marv BanoUi who also invited British Conservative MEP Lady Ellis to address the Visitors. The VISit was most benehClal In prOVldmg an understandmg 01 the functions of the Court and Parliament and Into the high level of COfl"WTlItment and the work being done by OU" representatives 11'1 El.M"ope.
On ThursdaV morning. the 4th February 19B8, Solicitors Apprentices were offiCially w el– comed to the D,stflct Court In Dun Laoghalfe by Judge Hubert Wine. The occasion was marked bv a Statement from Judge Wine to the press, practitioners and the pubhc who were present In Court. In It he referred to the Important part apprlltfltlces have to play and how necessary It IS for those who are about to be solicitors to have confidence to stand In Court and appear for their chents. It was with great pllde that the District Court In Dun Laoghalfe had the dls– ttnctlon of betng the hrst Dublin Court to offiCially and formally recognise the SoliCitors' Appren– tices In the District Court. He also referred to the wearing of gowns and was parti– cularly pleased to see young
to right!. Adflan Burke, Chalfman Relations Committee; HIS Honour Judge Thomas F O'Hlggms; Ms Geraldine Clarke, Law Socl6ty CounCil Member, and Mr Ken Murphy. Law Society Council Member.
practitIOners In hiS court WtUtfing gowns and expressed the deslfe that thiS should be the case henceforth. Juslln McKenna, on behalf of the practitioners, replied to the Judge bV refelling to the good work calfled out by Jim Oone9an
to the .Judges of the 0istricI: Court practismg throughout the land . The photograph shows. from left to right. Justin M c Kenna, soIidtot, Roslyn Moran. appiEli ltic:e, Judge Wine. Paul McGuinness. newly qualified solicitor. Gerard t. Lambe, solicitor.
m Cork in this regard. Mr. Donegan pioneered the Intro– duction to the District Court of apprentices allowing them to appear In uncontested matters. He hoped that the work carried out by Judge Wine in Dun Laoghalfe was a further example
The D,S,B,A, Annual Dmner was held on the 26th of Februarv. 1988 In the Shelboulne Hotel. It was a mOSt successfUl funClion and guests Included the P'es,dent of the HIgh CO\Itt. MI Jusllce L,am Hamilton. Ihe PreSident 01 the Bellast SoliCitors ASSOCiation. Mr. DaVid M cFarlane. the Vice PreSident of the Northern Ireland SoliCitors ASSOCiation. MI Colin Haddlck and the Semor Vice PreSident 01 the Law Socletv. MI MaUrice
CUllan, It was the fllst tIme lor many years that the functIon was held O\Itslde Blackhall Place. which added a new and mter eSllng dImenSion to the evemng The Presldenl Mr Telence Dixon addlessed the funCtion bfleflv and. In parllCular, expressed concern about the proposed BUilding Socletv's Bill FollOWing an excellent dinner members and guests danced to the Earl Gill Orchestra until the earlv houls
CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME Please send news lIems and photographs for publicat ion In this column to: ....... P.. c.....
The Gazette. .... Socl.ty. Black..... Place. Dublin 7.
With Ms. Margaret WlJlsh, Solicitor, .... ::: "" ... ~ SOC1t.I' ""', -, .- II1II10 ~~ .. .CAlI IlL GIll - I((I1I'I • -
" Sport. Inlurl•• and the law" Sympo.lum BI8ckhan Place. 23rd March 1988
Knocklolty House, Clonme' was the venue on Wednesday 2nd M arch, lor the Rtlglonal Meeting 01 the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute, lor members Irom Limerick, Offaly. Tipperary. Laols, Kilkenny, Waterford. Wexlord and Carlow The members Wflfe addressed by the Prttsldenr. Mr. PBtfick OUirke, Clonmel, M r. Donal G. Bmchy. Council MembfJr 01 the Incorporated Law SocHJty on "ThtJ uw 01 Contract" andMr. DavKl Mack~ AsSISUmt County MIJnlJger. Tippeftlry. on "Tha Role 01 the Local AurhOflty': a lively Op6n lorum followad each of thft well-prapared presentations. IPhoto courtesy of Clonmel Nationalist) WICKLOW BAR ASSOCIATION The members of the Committee are as follows : President: William Fallon. Solicitor. 3 Church Buildings. M ain Street, Arklow. Hon. Treasurer: Cathal Louth. Solicitor, Ferry Bank, Arklow. Hon. Secfflt~ry: Joseph F. Maguire, 98 Main Street. Bray, Co. Wicklow.
Spaakers (from lelt): Saan Clancy. Genaral Managar, Church & Generallnsuftlncfl Co.: Gerald Kean, Solicitor.- and Dr. PtJtrlCk Murray. Consultant. NatIOnal Medical Rahabllitation Centra, Dun ~oghlJlre.
LAW SOCIETY ANNUAL CONFERENCE. CORK 6th - 8th Mey. 1988 Have you Registered yet?
"Dublm Tomorrow - A Llvmg City" Law Soclaty SympOSium 27 2 , 988 (Lalt to flghrJ: Mr Mauflca Curran, SenIOr Vice Prasldent, Mr, Sam Stflphenson. Speaker, and Mr ROfY O'Donnell, JUnior Vica President
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