The Gazette 1988

APRIL 1 9 88


Essential Works for Irish Practitioners . . . European Communities Legislation: HHH. Edited In Celia A Trenton, BA. This major new work covers all Community legislation published in the Official Journal, in English, sinc e 1952, except that which deals with the daily running of (he communities. It covers all repealed, superseded and spent legislation, as well as present legislation, and provides both ,1 complete current and historical pic ture of eac h piece of legislation listed. Re-issued annually in February, the work will be updated through the subsc ription period by means of a cumulative supplement and index, published in May, August and November, and a telephone enquiry service. Complete work in three looseleaf volumes, inclusive of 1988, quarterly supplements IR £295.00. Current Status

Keane: Equity and the Law of Trusts in the Republic of Ireland I'lHH. Hv The Hon Mr (uslice Ronan Keane, ISA (Nl ,'li, <>i I im nliN Inn, HarrjsU'r, Judge <>l the I tigll ( ourl. President nl the I ,iw Kelorm C ninmissmn Written by an expert in ihis field, this book sets out c learlv and (OIK isely I ho main lypes ol IruM and Iheir appli( alion, and provides immediate answers tor all who need to know the

intrk a( ies ol trust l,iw. Hard cover IR L 52.50. Judge: Irish Income Tax he Norman E Judge, (( A, (III, ISA, I5( nmm i l( l)i

Irish Income Tax is the first major work devoled lo a detailed and prat tic .11 explanation ot int ome lux in Ireland. It t onlains a kit idlv-wrilten analysis ot the priniples ot int ome lax in the Republic of Ireland, and presents <11 omplele t ommentary on prat lit e as well as interpret,itions ,ind solutions in the grey areas. Published in two looseleat binders and comprehensively indexed. kvo looseleaf binders with servit e lo date: IR i152.00. It you would like lo examine these or any other books published In Butterworlhs please t ontat t F inola C )'Sulliv,in 011 Dublin 942802. Order from Professional Books, 46 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4SY, UK. Tel: 0235 861234 Words and Phrases Legally defined Third edition I'tHH. Edited In John B Saunders, ol Line oln's Inn, Barrister. The work for the practitioner seeking accurate definitions of legal terms. Emphasis is placed on British material although extracts from Australia, Canada and New Zealand are included and, usefully, the new work also draws on American sources in the area of commercial law. Volume One is already available; subsequent volumes will follow during the course of the year. In four hard cover volumes IR 1242.00 approx. Butterworths publishing for the legal profession in Ireland Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd. Registered office: 88 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AB, UK. DAVY STOCKBROKERS OUR INVESTMENT SERVICES Davy Stockbrokers Personal Investment Division provides an integrated and comprehensive range of Investment Services to solicitors and their clients • Investment Advisory Service - design and implementation of investment plans specifically developed for each individual.. • Unit Bond Investment - selection and evaluation of unit-linked investment bonds. • Equity Portfolio Service - direct investment in the Stockmarket under our guidance and recommendations. • Probate Valuations - probate Valuations on request together with advice on rights and other shares issues. • Stock Market Dealing Service - an efficient and competitive dealing service. Contact: Joseph Davy, Peter Keane or Dermot Walsh

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