The Gazette 1988
APRIL 1 9 88
TOP-UP COVER FOR PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCE Solicitors' Mutual Defence Fund Limited, established on 1st May. 1987, provides members with professional indemnity protection upto ,£.200,000 any one claim. We were pleased to have assisted in setting up the fund. Following from our involvement, we can offer a facility individually to provide "top up" cover above the Fund's limit — at extremely competitive rates. For further information, please contact Fileen Smyth at the address below. BRADSTOCK, BLUNT & THOMPSON LTD. Bradstock House, 52/53 Russell Square, London WC1B4HP Telephone: 03-1-436 7878
Fax:03-1-436 9770 Telex: 051-8812 183.
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