The Gazette 1988
IF YOU WANT SOUND FINANCIAL SERVICE YOU'RE TALKING SIX FIGURES. 770983 At IC S we mean business. I hat's why in recent times we've been t he most innovative bu i l d i ng s nd? And what about our investment products? Fhey otter a high rate 1 of interest. (As good as you'll get, and I letter in most e ases). Withdrawals on demand, plus the bae king of assets that ex( eed 1180 mi l l i on. And very importantly, it's all ( omp l e t e ly e onf i dent i a l. I f you 'd like to ( hat about the best way to meet ye>ur clients' requirements, ring me. Peter Cilligan, Business Development Manager, at Head Offic e: 01-770983 or contact any of our branches or district offices throughout the country. Isn't it time vou moved your Building 3o( iety? BUILDING SOC I ETY
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