The Gazette 1988
M A R CH 1 9 88
Seminars —'Chal lenge of Change"
this is a problem that all of us come across all the time. All in all, I think it was money well spent by the Law Society on our behalf and for the first year ever I feel that the monies which I paid to the Law Society in January last in the sum of approximately £500 was money well spent." Jennifer Foley, Ennis. " F o u r t e en of our pe r sonnel attended the Limerick seminar on Wednesday of last week, and I have allowed time to elapse before writing to you in order to gauge the reaction both from within our office and also among colleagues whom I met at different courts in the locality . . . I am therefore very pleased to recount that my feelings and initial reactions have been echoed by all concerned, and I feel the Society is owed a considerable debt of thanks and gratitude for financing this very worthwhile exercise for the profession in this country . . . It is my distinct feeling that the considerable moneys expended by the Society will be recouped in savings through the Compensation Fund in due course." Michael P. Houlihan, Ignatius M. Houlihan & Son, Ennis. " T h e Seminar has led to an ongoing discussion and we hope to i n t r odu ce as many ideas as possible over the coming months." Leahy & O'Sullivan, Limerick. " The legal profession in general has been conse r va t i ve in its approach to marketing its services and I am absolutely convinced that a more asse r t i ve ma r k e t i ng approach is necessary . . . our training is geared to making us competent in the knowledge of the legal system but there is a lot to be desired in our t r a i n i ng in management of a legal practice. Bar Associations should play a more assertive role at local level in communicating to the public as a priority rather than communicating between the local Bar Associations and the Law Society." James Dennison, Abbey feale. •
Reaction to the seminars "Meeting t he Cha l l enge of C h a n g e" presented by John Loosemore and Robert Parsons, under the auspices of the Public Relations Committee has been gratifying. The following are excerpts from some of the letters at Blackhall Place. "Congratulations to you and to the Law Society for providing the 'Challenge of Change' Seminar at Kilkenny. It was excellent, repeat excellent, and hit the spot. Sincere thanks and kind regards." Nolan Farre/I & Goff, Wa terford. (Telex) "There can be no doubt that the problems and ills of practices large and small were identified by the Lecturers. It is now a question of adapting their experience to the climate and conditions prevailing in each individual practice. While the Lecture was beneficial, its benefit will be lost unless it is followed up by the Law Society at local levels." Collins Brooks & Associates, Clonaki/ty. " I thought I should just let you know how useful I thought it was and the extent to which I feel it should give ideas to members of the profession. Messrs. Loosemore & Parsons are undoubtedly good salesmen and their presentation was both lucid and entertaining. Initially I found myself recoiling from an approach which I regarded as more akin to the selling of encyclo- paedias. Soon however I began to appreciate what these gentleman were saying and I found the conference both interesting and stimulating." M. T. Beresford, A. & L. Goodbody, Dublin 2. " I found it extremely interesting and helpful. . . Like everybody else I picked up certain tips thereat. The main theme that came across however was good marketing and public relations w i th one's present client and w i th casual clients including those who telephone for costs. I was particularly delighted at the manner in which telephone quotes for costs were dealt with as
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