The Gazette 1988
before feeding to John Shaw (proving the value of sometimes being in the wrong place at the right lime) who gratefully grounded the ball in the corner to level the scores. Neither side could improve on this. although it must be said The·Bar were unlucky on a couple of occasions not to get (he vital touch when they had crossed the Iry line. BOIh sides adjourned to a local hostelry for some light refresh– ments and in this respect we are most graldul to Mr. Anthony Ensor, our Honorary Presidenl, for a very generous contribution towards the expenses of the players. We would also like to thank the variOus Masters for giving their hard-working Appren– tices the day orr and finally we thank Mr. David Pigot for coming along to support us - it looks like he has the dubious honour of being Our lirst fan! Unfortunalely it was not possible: to organise a match against the Scouish Law Society 10 ooincidc with Ihe recent International. bill the good news is that the Law Sociely in EngJand have aa:qxed our invit– ation to play in March a nd details of this will be forthcoming shortly. John Sh.w
Mr. Thomas D. Shaw, President (second from left), Mr. Maurice Curran, Senior Vice President (third from left), Mr. Rory O'Donnell, Junior Via President, (lert) and Mr. James J . Ivers, Dirtttor General, wefe received by HIS Excellency Presidenl Patrick J. Hillery. President of Ireland at Aras an Uachlarain. This visit continued Ihe tradition that has been established that the OffICerS of the Society are received by the President of Ireland in audience. On arrival at Ara.s an Uachtarain, tlw: orrnrl of the Society were 1M by capuin Michad McGrath, A.D.C. to the President and the visitors' book was signed. TIley ... ere then escorted 10 tilt Reception room and were joined by the President and the Officers of the: Society were introduced by the: Presmt oftht Law Society to President Hillery. A most pleasant and interesting conversation took place at which the President of Ireland showed himself to be extremely .... ·cll versed in the .ffairs of the SoI::iely and expressed keen inlt'fest in the work of the Society. After coffee had been $t'fVed, the Officers of the Society bade farewell to the President and it was unanimously agreed tbal the visit was a most enjoyable and refresbing meeting and e~cbange of views witb the President of Ireland.
For the 'i('cond )'t'ar in a row the annual Joseph McGowan Cup Challenge matc h ended 10 a draw followlo& a spirited match played 31 the begmning of lkcember. Al– though reduced to fourteen men through the failure of some laic fitness tesls the SARC defended bra vel y against some fierce opposition up \0 the end . Ahhough The Bar tried on(' of their favourite [ricks (the old "try and luilihem into a false: sense of securit), by turning up late and appearing disorgani sed") the Appremice Solicitors, mindful of the valuable lessons learned on th(' professional course, took it all in their snide and managed to take an early lead through a penalty s killfully converted by Eoin McNeill . Stung inco action by this opening gambit, The Bar hit back and scored a fine try through their International paneli st, Noel McCarthy. Always in trouble in the serums the SARC were forced 10 concede a push-over try early in the second half before retorting with a penalty again converted by McNeill. With the score then at 10-6 to The Bar serum-half Pat Farrelly caught The Bar una.... 'aIC with a blind side break
The Irish Times Debating Final was held at the Law Society, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. The event was hosted by SADSI and the motion before t he house was " That Dublin at 1,000 is both Dirty and Dea r". Pictured above is the winning team from the U.C.C. Philosophical Society , Mr. Adrian Hunt and Mr. Tim Murphy with the individual award winner, Mr. Robert Plant. and the President of the Law Society. Thomas D . Shaw. Photo: Courtesy 01 The Irish Times
On the 25th January 1988. the Kildare Bar Association held its SOth Annual General Meeting. On that evening tnc Association elected its first She is Ms. H. C. Dawson who practises at Delaney Dawson & Co., Drewsboro lady President.
attended the Seminars and all spoke in favour. A follow-up was considered and views wen: expressed thaI individual aspects of the Semina r should be brought up al Bar meetings with a view to im-
would have 10 be subject to it being sober and restrained. The litigation position was considered and it >,\,'as reported that the Courts in Kildare were working satisraclOrily. The President reported on with Professional Indemnity Insurance. The situation was considered 10 be satisfactory. Mr. Pat Reidy agreed to make submissio ns in relation to the seale offees allowed in the District Court parti- cularly at the lower levels. Various other topics were lively meeting was declared closed by the President, Ms.
plementation of the recom- the position in connection
B ·' Ul dings. NewbTldge, 0. Kildare and the Secretary of President a debate took place A, 'h' ,·",,·•• ,,·on of the . C
the administration of the Kildare Bar Association is
on advertising. The Plaintiff advised that it was likely that the Solicitors' Bill if one were to assume that the Restrictive Practices Commission Tec- plemenu,:d. The meeting ",:,as not in favour of Price
Ms. Sharon Murphy, Allen- advertising would appear in
wood C ross, Allenwood,
Naas, Co. Kildare.
The President of the Law Society. Mr. Thomas D. Shaw and Mr. James J. Ivers There was favourable re- action to the visit o f Messrs. Loosemore and Parsons. Approximately JO-l. of those allended the meeting.
ommendations would be im- raised and diseussed and a
OFFICERS (Left to right) Stephen Maher, Treas– urer, Helen C, Dawson. President, and Sharon Murphy. Secretary.
Ad vertisemen t but con- Helen Dawson at 10.lSp.m. sidered that Corporate Ad- whereupon the members
vertisement would be
retired to toast the health of
that their new President in the
h' ,." ,.",.""
""" "·,,men t
time_honoured tradition.
d ·
r"~"~'::'~'·~'~'_m::"~':'"c·~:'=-~:::·~::~::·~~C----------, CONTRIBUTIONS WELCOME Please send news items and photographs for publication in
KERRY BAR ASSOCIATION ANNUAL DINNER !Seat ed: left t o right) : Mr, John Hume. M .P., Mr. Ernest Margetson. Dublin, Ms. Loui se McDonagh. Mr. Donal Browne, President , Mr. Michael J. O'Donnell, Treasurer. (Standing: le ft to right) : Mr. Jim McFarland, Mr. Dick Spring, T .O., the late Louis O'Connel' , Mr. James J . Ive rs. Director General. The Law Society.
this column to: " '-opIe • PI.e.....
The County Galway Solicitors Bar Association recently held its annual Dinner Dance in the Ardilaun Ho use Hotel, Galway. It proved to be a most li~ly and relaxed affair, and the 120 or so who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As always. the emphasis was on a social night out , but greal attention was given to the words or wisdom imparted by the Junior Vice President of the Law Society, Mr. Rory O·Oonneli. deputising for the unavoidably absent President Tom Shaw. The President, Paddy Daly
The Oeutte. L.w Soc".y. Blaekh.11 Place. DYbtln 7_
Mr. Laurence K. Shields, Solicitor. Dublin, with his wife. Miss Helen Hackett, on the occasion of their recent marriage.
Mr. Paddy Daly_ introduced the guests of t he evening. namely Mr. and Mrs. Rory O'DonnelJ, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ivers, Circuit COUrl Judge John Cassidy and his wife, District Justice John Garavan, County Registrar Sean O'Donneli a nd his wife, District COUrl Clerk Patrick D«ly. and Chief Superintendent John Mitchell a nd his wife. A collection was taken up after the Dinner for the Solicitors Benevolent Association, which yielded a return of over £200.00. Despite many hours of refreshments, dancing and much later, II liule pianoforte music. we are reliably informed that all who allended did g~t home in darknessl
MiVOiBAR ANNUAL DiNNER (Seated: left to right) : Mrs. Yvonne Shaw, Ms.. Joan Clarke. Ms. Sue Bryson, Ms. Eanya Egan, PreSident, Mayo Bar Association. . . (Standing: left to right): Mrs. B. Brenn~n, Dlstrtct Justi ce B. Brennan, Thomas D. Shaw. PreSident ~f the Law Society and the Hon . Mr. Justice liam Hamilton.
COUNTY WEXFORO SOLICITORS' ASSOCIATION The following oflicers were recently elected: PreSident: Henry J. Frizelle. Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. ChO/m/oll: James J. Murphy, Solicitor, 2 Rowe St., \\ob:ford. Set;rt'iary: Michael Cullen. Solicitor. Gorey, Co. Wexford. Treasurer: Tony Ensor, Solicitor. Enniseorthy. Co. Wexford.
Court Offices, Aras Ui DI.6Ilalgh The new court offices. situated on Inns Quay . Dublin . For a full list of the various public offices relocated in the building see the November 1987 Gazette. page 295.
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