The Gazette 1988
SUBJECT INDEX References are to issue number (in bold) followed by page number. Abbreviations: CC: Circuit Cou r t; edl. (Editorial/Viewpoint); HC.: High Court; Itr. (Letter); (P. & P.): (People and Places column); pr. (Practice Note); SC: Supreme Court. AIDS AIDS in the workplace - 1BA resolution (N. J. Kearns) 10 327 civil liability for communication of, ( Observer National Mooting Competition) 5 145-6 ACTION accrual of cause of action - latent personal injury claims (M. Hayden ) 5 125-31 ACTS OF THE OIREACHTAS [note: brief or passing references are not included] Air Navigation & Transport Act 1988 (pr.) 7 210 Capital Acquisitions Tax Act 1976, 1 6-9 Companies (Amendment) Act 1986, s. 17 (pr.) 8 245 Data Protection Act 1988 (pr.) 10 322 Finance Act 1986, s. 103 (1) 1 5 Local Govt. (Multi-Storey Buildings) Act 1988 (pr.) 8 245-6 Status of Children Act 1987 (pr.) 8 245 Statute of Limitations 1957 s. 11, 5 125-31 ADVERTISING "The Great Debate or the Great Mistake?" (J. M. Bourke) 3 61-2 Law Society Annual Conference debate 6 Supplement 2-4\ ballot results - AGM 10 332 Special General Meeting - June 1988 6 Supplement 4-5 ADVOCACY TRAINING Law Society CLE course (D. Potter) 6 183 AGENCY agent - rights to reimbursement and indemnity (V. J. G. Power) 10 317-19 ALIENS immigration to Ireland (R. Bourke; F. Daly) 6 161 ANIMALS straying animals - the burden of proof (G. J. Needham) 6 171-2 APPOINTMENTS see under People and Places ARTICLES AIDS in the Workplace (N. J. Kearns) 10 327 Advertising - the great debate or the great mistake? (J. M. Bourke) 3 61-2 A Case for Medical Photography (C. G. Goggin) 4 113-15. The Challenge of Change (A. P. Bourke) 4 101, 104-07. Civil Liability for communication of AJDS - moot point (K. Litton; R. James) 5 145-6 Community Lawyers right to practise within the EC (C. T. O Conaill) 8 259-64 Computers - where to start (C. P. Curran) 10 328 The Corroboration Requirement in relation to Sexual
Complainants: significance of the DNA test (C. Fennell) 3 75-8 Cross Bar Co-operation (F. O'Donnell) 9 286-7 The Date of Discoverability Rule and s. 11 of the Statute of Limitations (M. Hayden) 5 125-31 Expert Systems and Communications (D. Beattie) 1 17-21 Family Mediation - a solution to unhappy differences? (C. McGuinness) 9 277-81 From the President see under Law Society Getting into America - legally (R. Molumby) 6 167-8 Housing Finance (C. Rapple) 7 215-16 Immigration to Ireland (R. Bourke; F. Daly) 6 161-5 Inheritance Tax on Discretionary Trusts (C. Haccius) 1 5-9 Legal Audit (N. F. Thompson) 9 299-301 Light Work - a dilemma for employers (W. Binchy) 2 47-50 Out of London: Multiple Advance (J. Matthews, reprinted from Solicitors' Journal , June 1988) 9 203 Personal Injury and Motor Accidents in Spain (J. M. de Lorenzo) 5 135-7 Report on the Professional Indemnity Scheme (M. R. Curran) 3 67, 69 The Rights of an Agent to Reimbursement and Indemnity (V. J. G. Power) 10 317-19 Self-Assessment of Capital Acquisitions Tax (D. Thornhill; A. McLaughlin) 4 89-91 So You're Thinking of Buying a Computer (C. T. Stafford) 8 269 Straying Animals: the burden of proof (G. J. Needham) 6 171-2 Taxation Aspects of Forestry Investment (M. F. O'Reilly) 7 197-201 Time Limits and Judicial Review Applications (G. Hogan) 8 237-42 Tort Reform in the USA and lessons for Ireland (B. McMahon 2 33-6 Tourism and the Business Expansion Scheme (C. Rapple) 9 295-6 Training in Advocacy - how it works (D. Potter) 6 183 Word Processing (M. G. Ryan) 9 289 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES [note: for sports associations see under Sports Activities; for pictorial items see under People and Places] International Bar Association - current activities 1 22; 4 100; Medicine and Law Committee - Buenos Aires meeting 10 327 Irish Legal History Society - inauguration 3 65 Irish Solicitors in London Bar Association 6 172 Laois Bar Association - meeting with President 3 63 Law Society see Law Society Limerick Bar Association - meeting with President 3 63 Medico-Legal Society 6 172; annual dinner 6 174 Presidents of European Law Societies - 16th annual conference (Vienna, February 1988) 3 64 Sligo Bar Association - meeting with President 3 63 Society of Young Solicitors Spring seminar 1988, 5 142; Autumn seminar 9 284 Solicitors Benevolent Association - AGM 4 100; maracycle 7 225; 9 286 Solicitors Financial Controllers Association 7 217 3
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