The Gazette 1988
No t E l ec t ed 31. Irvine, Michael G. 685 Under Bye Law 29A the Senior V i ce - P r es i dent (Mr. Mau r i ce Curran) is deemed to be elected. P r ov i nc i al De l ega t es: Connaught- McEllin, Edward M.; Leinster-Lariigan, Frank; Munster- O'Connell, Michael G.; LZ/sfer-Murphy, Peter F. R. The date of the next Annual General Meeting was provisionally fixed for Thursday 16th November, 1989. Prize B o nd D r aw The Director General (Mr. J. J. Ivers) reported that at the Prize Bond Draw earlier in the day, the f o l l ow i ng p r i z e - w i nne rs we re drawn: (1,000 csoo Bond lond 1762 Anon 1168 Anon 1360 Michael J O'Donnell 2297 Denis McDowell 166S Oliver D McArdle 1642 Anon. 1736 Anon 1758 Robert M. Flynn (250 lond 1996 Wilham J McGuire 1634 Oliver P Morahan 1432 Anon 1911 Norbert P. Colbert 1627 Cornelius J. Noonan 2023 Seen T Kennedy
E l ec t ed
Total Votes 1,152 1,122 1,074 1,061
Tribute t o Pr es i dent The Chair was taken by the Senior Vice-President, Mr. Maurice Curran, who called on Mr. Desmond Moran to propose a vote of thanks to the President. Mr. Moran said that as the senior member present, it gave him great pleasure to pay tribute to the President of the Society, Tom Shaw. Over the past t wo years he had crossed swords w i th him on a few occasions and had to admit that he learned a lot. The President had undertaken a tough job, not only in visiting Bar Associations throughout the country but also in representing the Society at meetings abroad. He represented the country well and he wished to thank the President for all that he had done on behalf of the members of the Society. Mr. Mo r a n 's r ema r ks we re received w i th applause. After being seconded by Mr. George Crawford, who described Mr. Shaw as "a terrific President who had been most helpful to the ordinary member", the motion was carried unanimously and Mr. Shaw was given a standing ovation. The Senior Vice-President then for- mally declared the meeting closed. •
1. Shaw, Thomas D. 2. Quinlan, Moya 3. Ensor, Anthony H. 4. Binchy, Donal G. 5. O'Donnell, Rory
1,030 6. O'Mahony, Michael V. 962 7. O'Donnell, P. Frank 961 8. Margetson, Ernest J. 930 9. O'Connor, Patrick 926 10. Clarke, Geraldine M. 917 11. Bourke, Adrian P. 917 12. Collins, Anthony E. 876 13. Daly, Patrick J. 867 14. McMahon, Brian M. 856 15. Mahon, Brian J. 852 16. Smyth, Andrew F. 852 17. Reynolds, Miriam 844 18. Pigot, David R. 836 19. Monahan, Raymond T. 835 20. Shields, Laurence K. 832 21. Glynn, Patrick A. 823 22. Lynch, Elma 8 20 23. Daly, Francis D. 818 24. Griffin, Gerard F. 791 25. Murphy, Ken 746 26. McKenna, Justin 729 27. O'Brien, Liam M. 724 28. Matthews, Vivian C. 724 29. Harte, John B. 720 30. Donegan, James D. 6 90
SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT 1988 / 89 Er nest J. Ma r g e t s on Ernest J. Margetson was educated at the High School and Trinity College Dublin and was admitted as a Solicitor in 1951. He is a partner in the firm of Matheson Ormsby & Prentice. He was Honorary Secretary of the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association and also President of that Association. He was elected to the Council in 1974 and has served as Chairman of the Professional Purposes Committee and Compensation Fund Committee. He is currently Chairman of the Registrar's Committee and Vice Ch a i rman of t he F i nance C omm i t t ee and Publications Committee. He was Junior Vice President of the Society for the year 1982/83.
M i c h a e l V. O ' Ma h o ny Michael O'Mahony was educated at Belvedere College, Dublin, U.C.D. (B.C.L., 1962 and LL.B., 1963) and University of California, Berkeley (LL.M., 1966). He qualified as a Solicitor in 1964 and was a Silver Medal, Findlater and Overend Prize Winner. He is a partner in the Dublin firm of McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley. Elected to the Council in 1975 he has served on the Public Relations, Parliamentary EEC and International Affair, and Publications Committees, and as a member of the Gazette Board.
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