The Gazette 1988
Society for Computers and Law, then addressed the seminar on the general area of communications and explained that largely because of the difficulties in sending long documents, the British Electronic Mail service (Telecom Gold) had deteriorated into a message sen- ding service. In his experience, most of the messages tended to be rather light hearted if not simply defamatory. Following a summing up by Frank Lanigan, the participants repaired to lunch and the seminar then concluded. The Technology Commi t t ee would like to thank all who con- tributed to the success of the seminar on expert systems and communications in particular the delegates who came not quite knowing what to expect. The Com- mittee realised beforehand that this seminar was unusual insofar as it was attempting to address issues which, for many at least, appeared to deal with problems and solutions which lie well in the future. The Committee would like to believe that every participant gained both from the formal sessions and from the opportunities to discover the types of research and development being carried on independently in many practices around the coun- try. The Committee feels that there is a real need for members of the profession to keep ahead and to be forearmed in their dealings with the suppliers of technology to the pro- fession. This should enable them to deal on equal terms both financial- ly and from the point of view of in- formation on new products and concepts. The Committee believes we are the first group in this coun- try to formally address this par- ticular area of expertise. It is beneficial to us as a profession to be clearly concerned wi th new ad- vances and this has positive benefits insofar as our clients can see that we are not rooted in the Past and also that we will be bet- ter able to influence and guide the development of systems which will i n the future be marketed to us. Finally, we would like to thank those delegates from outside the profession who attended and the exhibiting suppliers who kindly sponsored the programme for spouses and partners attending the seminar. •
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