The Gazette 1988


JUNE 1988

THOMAS STREET, Dublin 8, three floors totalling circa 1,500 sq.ft., £3,000 p.a. plus rates. Three months rent free for decorating purposes. Phone Maurlings: 777839. LEGAL LIBRARY FOR SALE. Owner retired. Details Box No. 52. Estate of Louisa Emily Wilkinson, deceased. Would anyone knowing the whereabouts of James Dowman, Kitty Dowman and Rita Dowman, beneficiaries under the Will of the late Louisa Emily Wilkinson, late of 98 Pembroke Road, Dublin, who died on August 23rd, 1939, please contact Timothy R. O'Sullivan, Solicitor, 37 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, within 21 days. FOR SALE: SUBSTANT I AL LEGAL LIBRARY in Dublin. Contact Norman Spendlove, (01) 683842. Long established practitioner, Dublin, contemplating retirement, interested in sale/transfer of practice. Enquiries to Bo> 54.



AN T I QUE DESKS ANY SIZE - ANY CON D I T I ON VALUAT I ONS GLADLY G I VEN Always a few selected Desks and Chairs available for sale E. M A N T ON 01-730621 or 01-697328 evenings Employment ENGLISH SOLICITOR, qualified 2 years, specialises in litigation, seeks position in Dublin. Tel. (01) 856019. SOLICITOR experienced in Probate and Conveyancing seeks position as assistant solicitor, full time or part time in Dublin area. Replies in strict confidence Box No. 53.


M. Ansell, M.A., 98 The Broadway, Heme Bay, Kent CT6 8EY, England Tel. (03 02273) 67929 (24 Hours)

Do you have a Laser Printer? Are you worried that your documents may fade if unsui table paper is used? . . . you need to talk to us! i i W. King Ltd. 54, Bol ton Street, Dubl in. Te l ephone: 01-731455

BOOKBINDING for Libraries, Public Bodies, Colleges and Legal Firms. Thesis Binding Loose Leaf Binding Conservations of Old Books and Documents. LIBRARY BINDINGS LTD.

Santry Hall Industrial Estate, Dublin 9. Telephone: 427166 in Dublin's South Side ANTIQUARIAN BOOKCRAFTS LTD. Bookbinders and Restorers Marlay Craft Courtyeard, Marley Park, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. Telephone: 942834


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