The Gazette 1988
JUNE 1988
Companies (No. 2) Bill, 1987 ("the Bill") Seminar 10 May, 1988
mittee believe that the Society must attempt to play its role in the simplification of the proposed legislation. Solicitors should be aware of the increasing role that they can have in the business community through advising on company and other commercial legislation. It is the in- tention of the Committee to both
A Seminar was arranged by the Society's Company Law Commit- tee on the proposed changes to be brought about by the Bill. This Seminar, introduced by the Minister for Industry & Commerce, Mr. Reynolds, was open to the public and indicated both the con- tents and the pitfalls that await t hose engag i ng in c omme r ce through a limited liability company. Each part of the proposed legisla- tion was examined in detail and at the end of the Seminar a summary was given which reflected many of the observations already made on the Bill to the Department by the Committee. The Committee is concerned about the complexity of the Bill wh i ch they believe will add an enormous burden to business and in particular small businesses wh i ch are being encouraged in so many other ways. The Minister in his opening ad- dress stated that he is anxious that the Bill be workable and practical and will not " t i e up in legal knots the thousands of honest business- people in this c oun t r y ". The Com- LAD I ES SOL I C I TORS GOLF SOC I ETY The next Outing will be held in Newlands Golf Club on Friday, 5 th A u g u s t. For further details please contact Ch r i s t i ne S c o tt at ( 01) 7 6 4 6 6 1 (Of f i ce) or (01) 8 0 5 6 78 (Home). THE LEGAL OFFICES MILLENNIUM Will be held during the mon th of July at the Law Society Playing Field, Blackhall Place. Applications are available from City Law Agency Ltd., 35 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Tel. (01) 7 8 5 1 2 2. MIXED SOCCER COMPETITION
help the profession in this regard as well as trying to make the commer- cial bodies aware of the role solicitors should have in this impor- tant area of life. Excellent papers were prepared by the members of the Company Law Committee and it is hoped that these texts will be circulated to the profession in the near future.
Attending the Seminar were, from left, Mr. Michael Irvine, (Joint Chair- man, Company Law Committee, speaker), Mr. Thomas D. Shaw, Presi- dent of the Society, Mr. James J. Ivers, Director General, and Mr. David Tomkin, (Joint Chairman, Company Law Committee, speaker).
A summary of the decision in the case of Stephen Flynn v. An Post, Supreme Court, 3 April, 1987, unreported, was published in the May issue of the Gazette, Recent Irish Cases, at p.ii. The summary was erroneously based on the assumption that the ma- jority view of the Supreme Court was expressed by Henchy J. and Hederman J. In fact, the majority view was expressed in the judgment of McCarthy J. w i th wh om Finlay C.J. and Walsh J. concurred. Thus, the Supreme Court, by a majority, upheld the third ground of appeal in the case and held that the suspen- sion of the plaintiff became invalid because of the failure of An Post to grant the plaintiff a proper hearing within a reasonable time of his initial suspension. The Editorial Board regrets that the uncorrected version of the summary was published. A revised summary of the decision in this case will be published in full in the next issue of Recent Irish Cases.
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