The Gazette 1988



Lawyers Moving to London LAW PERSONNEL invite applications f rom solicitors who are eager to find emp l oyment with law f i rms in England and Wales. Our clients have a growing need for experienced and qualified staff offering their expertise in company commerc i al law or other specialist fields such as conveyancing, tax, pensions etc. Those with more general experience will find oppor tuni t i es with smaller firms in London and elsewhere. As an indication, a solicitor just admitted can expect to earn in excess of £ 17,000 p.a. with a ma j or London practice. In order to meet this demand and offer the service our clients are accus tomed to, senior consul t ants who have made a special study of Irish qualifications will be available in Dublin to meet solicitors in private on a one to one basis to discuss career oppor tuni t i es in England and Wales. The dura t ion of these mee t ings will be in the order of 60 to 90 mi nu t es and will ne i ther cost nor commit applicants to anything. To avail yourself of this facility, appo i n tmen ts mu s t be made by cont ac t ing our London office; we will not be able to see candidates wi t hout prior a r r angemen t s. Please t e l ephone, or send a detailed Cur r i cu l um Vitae to include the following informa t ion:- - Academic achi evements to present with dates - Considerable details on work experience, before and since qualifying - this cannot be stressed sufficiently. - Preference as to location ofwork and size of practice. Our Modus Operandi: Upon receipt of this informa t ion we will prepare a CV on you. This document will not disclose your name nor the name of your present employer. We will bring this docu- ment with us and discuss it at length in our mee t i ng with you. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence that such ma t t e rs deserve.

Staff specialists to the legal profession worldwide 95 Aldwych, London WC2B 4JF. Tel: 01 -2421281. Fax: 01 -831 2901 (ansaphone after office hours)

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