The Gazette 1988

MAY 1 9 88


A N N U AL L I CENS I NG D I STR I CT COURT Please note that the following dates are settled for the Annual Licensing District Courts at Court No. 1, Morgan Place. Auctioneers: 8 / 6 / 88 at Court No. 1 11 a.m. Moneylenders: 6 / 7 / 88 at Court No. 1 11 a.m. Pawnbrokers: 6 / 7 / 88 at Court No. 1 11 a.m. Publicans Renewals; Confirmations; Restaurants and Objections: 29 / 9 / 88 at Court No. 1 Dance and Music/Singing: 30 / 9 / 88 at Court No. 1

Furnish a statutory declaration from a solicitor setting out fully the circumstances of the transaction and the grounds on which it is considered that the relief should apply and stating how much, if any of the consideration consists of cash. Furnish copies of all documents pertaining to the transaction such as returns of allotment forms, agreement, company minutes and resolutions. Furnish share certificates relating to new shares issued which form all or part of the consideration paid by the transferee company. Where it is claimed that items of property to which the Agreement relates are within the exemptions contained in the section The consideration should be apportioned between items of property which are exempt and items which are not exempt. For this purpose a form St. 22 may be obtained from the Adjudication Office for completion. If there is a balance sheet available which supports the values s t a t ed, t h is shou ld also be furnished. • 6. Agreement for Sale chargeable under Section 59, Stamp Act, 1891

Where the property shares or marketable securities Confirm that the consideration represents the full market value of the property passing. is stocks, between Associated Bodies Corporate 1952 (section 85 Finance Act, 1980 substituted a new section 19), and section 96, Finance Act, 1982. Furnish a statutory declaration in pursuance of section 19(5) Finance Ac t, 1952 as amended. The declaration should set out in full the grounds on which the claim is based stating: — that the claim is made in respect of the instrument(s), which should be summarised briefly, and that the effect of the instruments is that laid down by section 18(2); types and particulars of the bodies corporate concerned (date of i n c o r po r a t i on, r eg i s t e r ed numbe r, share cap i t al b o th nominated and issued); that the transferor was entitled to the beneficial interest in the relevant property; that the beneficial interest in the relevant property became vested in the transferee; how the relationship between the bodies corporate complies wi th section 19(2). If any shares are held by a nominee, the instrument e v i den c i ng t he bene f i c i al ownership of those shares should be produced; whether it is intended that the relationship between the bodies corporate satisfying the provisions of s e c t i on 19(2) shall be maintained; whether the consideration for the transfer is shares. If so, share certificates should be furnished; the manner in which the con- sideration (if other than shares) has been or is to be found and satisfied; that the instrument(s) was/were not executed in pursuance of or in c o n n e c t i on w i t h such an arrangement as is described in section 19(3). Where relief is claimed under section 19 Finance Act 5. Reconstruction or Amalgamation of Companies Where relief is claimed section 31 Finance Act, 1965 under 4. Conveyance or Transfer

LIAM KEANE District Court Clerk

I r ish Stenographers L imi t ed


Sheila Kavanagh)

Qualitied Experienced


Fast, elficient service. Overnight Transcripts by



Contact: Secretary, "Hillcrest", Dargle Valley, Bray, Co. Wicklow. Telephone: 01-862184


9-11 June, 1988

at Por t -na-Bl agh Ho t el Co. Donegal

A N T I QUE DESKS ANY SIZE - ANY CONDITION VALUATIONS GLADLY GIVEN Always a few selected Desks and Chairs available for sale E. MA N T ON 01-730621 or 01-697328 evenings

For further information contact: Marriage & Family Institute, 5 Clare Street, Du b l in 2. Tel. (01) 765371


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