The Gazette 1987
APRIL 1987
the Court of Criminal Appeal for a number of years. Mr. Frewen, who was called to the bar in the 1 950s, also held a diploma in European Law. He served as registrar to the tribunal which, under Mr. Justice Costello, inquired into the Whiddy Island disaster. He was also registrar to the Stardust tribunal. During his time with the Court of Criminal Appeal he edited a two- volume book of that court's judgments. Mr. Frewen is survived by his wife, three sons and one daughter.
I N B R I EF — Contd. from p.85
Retirement of Mr . Justice D'Arcy Mr. Justice James D'Arcy retired from the Bench at the beginning of April. Born in Tipperary he studied history and law at Trinity College, Dublin. Called to the Bar in 1938 he practised on the Leinster Circuit until 1954 when he was called to the Inner Bar. For five years before being appointed to the Bench in 1976 he was Chairman of the Civil Service Arbitration Board. Subsequently he was appointed judicial Commissioner of the Land Commission. Tributes to Mr. Justice D'Arcy were paid in Court by, among others, Mr. David R. Pigot, President, Law Society; Mr. Noel McDonald, S.C., and Miss Mary P. O'Donoghue on behalf of the Chief Registrar Mr. Gerard L. Frewen.
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Chi ef Registrar of Hi gh Court dies The death has occurred of Mr. Gerard L. Frewen, Chief Registrar at the High Court since 1984. He had previously been Registrar to Completely revised and updated since first published in 1969 - by I. K. Laytham. Available from Hudson House, Terenure, Dublin 6. Your Foreign Exchange deserves Ansbacher expertise Telephone: 7 1 0 7 11
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