The Gazette 1987
MARCH 1 9 87
Authorised Personal Computer Dealer INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR THE LEGAL OFFICE SOLIPS CASE PROCESSING SYSTEM Deve l oped in Ireland for Irish Practices. Question and answer prompting. Can automatically choo se and prepare relevant document s. Ready built applications available. User definable applications. Increases Fee Earner productivity/accuracy. Reduces risk. WORD PROCESSING Comprehens i ve and powerful facilities. LEGAL ACCOUNTING Ireland's most widely used system. T IME RECORDING Provides Management Information to improve control. PAYROLL Complies with all statutory requirements. ELECTRONIC OFFICE Di ary /Ma i l /Te l ex /Ext ernal databases.
Star Computer Ireland is the leading supplier to the legal profession and is committed to continuous product deve l opment. With a reputation for excellent support and 13 years' experience serving professional markets, Star understands and can help identify your requirements. We have a wide range of appropriate solutions and provide full training and countrywide support to protect your investment.
Contact: Malcolm McConkey Star Computer Ireland
3 8 Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Te l ephone 6 8 3 1 21 & 6 0 8 4 8 5 Telex 3 0 4 3 6 Dublin Cork Belfast
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