The Gazette 1987



FOR SALE. Set of Irish Reports 1926-36 (bound) and 1937-1985 (unbound). Box No. 103. 7 DAY PUBLICANS LICENCE required. Details t o James P . Sweeney & Co., Solicitors, Falcarragh, Co. Donegal. Tel. (074) 35121 and 35184. KEEN GIRL W I TH B.C.L. from U.C.D. and Certificates in Secretarial Business Studies is interested i n employment i n th e Administrative/Secretarial departments o f legal firms in Ireland. Anything considered. Please contact P. Brady, 30 Lr. Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 . ENGLISH AGENTS: Agency work under- taken for Irish solicitors i n both litigation and non-contentious matters — including legal aid. Fearon & Co., Solicitors, 12 The Broadway, Woking, Surrey GU21 5AU. Telephone Woking (04862) 26272. Fax: Woking (04862) 25807. Lost Title Documents IN THE MATTER OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT 1 9 64 ATTENTION NORTHSIDE SOLICITORS/ barristers. Word processing done from home by experienced Legal Secretary. Call 413023 after 6 p.m. Leasehold Register free from encumbrances in respect of the above mentioned property. The original documents of title specified in the Schedule hereto are stated to have been lost or mislaid. The Application may be inspected at this Registry. The Application will be proceeded with unless notification is received in the Registry within one calendar month from the date of publication of this Notice that the original documents of Title are in existence. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the document of title are held and quote Reference No. 86DN1 5296. The missing documents are detailed in the schedule hereto. Dated the 16th December, 1987 SCHEDULE (a) Original Lease dated 5th April, 1906, Charles Coates and City and County Permanent Benefit Building Society to Laurence William Murphy. (b) Original Deed of Assignment dated 16th March, 1936, Sarah O'Loughlin t o Annie McAree. M. O'NEILL Examiner of Titles AND OF THE APPL I CAT I ON OF CARMEL BURNS IN RESPECT OF PROPERTY 29 CABRA PARK, PHIBSBORO, COUNTY DUBLIN TAKE NOTICE that Carmel Burns o f 4 Cornamuckle, Bloomfield, Castleblayney, County Monaghan ha s lodged a n Application fo r he r registration o n th e

Submission of Articles for the Gazette

The Editorial Board welcomes the submission of articles for consideration with a view to publication. In general, the most acceptable length of articles for the Gazette is 3 , 000-4 , 000 words. However, shorter contributions will be welcomed and longer ones may be considered for publication. MSS should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, double spaced with wide margins. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript arabic

numerals. Cases and statutes should be cited accurately and in the correct format.

Contributions should be sent to: Executive Editor, Law Soc i ety Gazette, Bl ackha ll Place, DUBL IN 7 .

Solicitors — how public are your private



conversations? The problem of private consul- tations being overheard b y those in waiting areas is quite a common one, particularly when the areas is close to the consulting room. Now there is an inexpensive electronic sol- ution to this problem that i s easy to install and requires no structural alteration! With Soundmasking, conversations are kept private and confiden- tial — a benefit fo r both lawyers and their clients.

Mrs "X" is in her late 40's, she is the widow of a Solicitor, has five children under 2 1. Her only income is a widow's pension and family allowance She has to provide for her family and maintain a home. She faces this enormous responsibility alone. Who can she turn to for help? - The Solicitors' Benevolent Fund

The Solicitors Benevolent Association assists such cases - and many others where the age of dependants of members of the profession ranges from "under 10" t o "over eighty". The Committee o f th e Association meets monthly and its work covers the entire country, north and south. The Committee funds come from annual subscriptions from members o f the Law Society of Northern Ireland and The Incorpor- ated Law Society of Ireland, together with additional subscriptions received from Bar Associations, and individual Solicitors or firms of Solicitors. In recent years the calls on the Association's resources have become more numerous and this year the Committee faces a relatively large deficit. I t urgently needs extra funds. Subscriptions can be sent to the Secretary, Ms Clare Leonard. The Solicitors Benevolent Association, 40 Lr. Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2, or c/o The Law Society, Blackhall Race, Dublin 7.

For further particulars contact: Soundmasking Ltd. 25 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 780499/780037.


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