The Gazette 1987
YES, MINISTER FOR JUSTICE (Dail Debates. 10 November 1987) Solicitors' Fees Mr. McCoy asked the Minister for Justice the plans, if any, he had to abolish the torts of maintenance and champerty in order to render lawful the charging of contingency fees by solicitors. Minister for Jus t i ce (Mr. Collins): Legislation would be necessary to enable such a change to be made. I could not undertake to include, by way of reply to parliamentary questions, what specific legislative proposals I might have in a particular area. Any proposals I may have in relation to the subject matter of this question will be announced in the ordinary way in due course. Death Penalty. Mr. McCoy asked the Minister for Justice the plans, if any, he has to abolish the death penalty; and if he will make a statement on the matter. Minister for Jus t i ce (Mr. Collins): For reasons which have been explained in this House on previous occasions, I could not undertake to indicate, by way of reply to parliamentary questions, what specific legislative proposals I might have in a particular area. Any proposals I may have in relation to the subject matter of this question will be announced in the ordinary way in due course.
£6 . 00 each
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Available from: Accounts Dept., Law Society, Blackball Place, Dublin 7. Telephone: 710711.
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The Editorial Board welcomes the submission of articles for consideration with a view to publication. In general, the most acceptable length of articles for the Gazette is 3 , 000-4 , 000 words. However, shorter contributions will be welcomed and longer ones may be considered for publication. MSS should be typewritten on one side of the paper only, double spaced with wide margins. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and numbered consecutively throughout the text with superscript arabic
numerals. Cases and statutes should be cited accurately and in the correct format.
Contributions should be sent to: Executive Editor, Law Society Gazette, Blackball Place, DUBLIN 7.
Tuesday, 16 February
Blackball Place 6.30 p.m.
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