The Gazette 1987




In this Issue



Only the Bath Water! Disturbing trends are becoming apparent in the campaign for the reduction in public spending. Various Agencies and Schemes outside the direct Civil Service are apparently being singled out for closure or merger, wi th their functions being subsumed in various Departments. Apart from doubts as to whether the carrying out of the function of these Agencies by Departments is likely to give much in the way of savings, the loss of the independent position and approach which these Agencies have been able to take could well be sorely felt. The Health Education Bureau in its relatively short existence has achieved considerable progress with its campaigns, notably that against smoking. It is abundantly clear that major reductions in the cost of health services would be achieved if the community could be persuaded to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Many of the patients in our hospitals are there because of excessive smoking, the abuse of alcohol or failure to take a reasonable amount of exercise. Each of these areas was targeted by the Health Education Bureau. Can we believe that the Depart- ment of Health is to be transformed into a dynamic health education- oriented body? It certainly has not been so in the past wh i ch, presumably, was the reason for establishing the Health Education Bureau in the first place. The National Social Service Board, whose functions included the support and development of community information centres and the promotion and develop- ment of voluntary social services, is also to go, with its functions being taken over by the Depart- ment of Social Welfare. Again, there must be doubts whether that Department is an appropriate body to be entrusted with the functions of the Board.

An Foras Forbartha has, on a relatively small budget, managed to make a valuable contribution in many areas affecting the environ- ment and the buildings in which we live and work. Its study on house purchase transactions was a most valuable document, shattering a number of the myths in that area. Those who came into contact with the officials who compiled the report were extremely impressed by the thoroughness and impar- tiality with which they approached their task. An Foras Forbartha monitored a wide range of activ- ities in the general area of the environment. There must be grave doubts whether these activities can be carried on in the future in the same way as they were in the past, since many involved the mon- itoring of performance of Govern- ment Departments or officials, local or other statutory authorities. Are any real savings going to be made by the closure of the Health Education Bureau and An Foras Forbartha? Can Government De- partments provide the same level of service at lesser cost? Will size- able rents continue to be paid for buildings wh i ch have been emptied following these closures? Have the resources of the various Departments been so under-utilized that by engaging only a limited number of the staff of the former Agencies they can provide an adequate service in the areas previously covered? If they have not been so under-utilized, how can the same, or even an adequate, level of service be guaranteed in the future? The cuts in the funding of the Ombudsman's office must neces- sarily result in a considerable lessening of the activities of the Ombudsman. It is no secret that the Ombudsman has come into head-on collision wi th various Government Departments in the exercise of his duty to enquire into (contd. on p. 241)

Insurance Premiums — How can they be reduced?


Practice Note


Doing Business in Ireland 249

Sports News


Medico-Legal Society of Ireland


In Brief


Data Protection legislation


Professional Information


Executive Editor: Mary Buckley

Editorial Board: Charles R. M. Meredith, Chairman John F. Buckley Gary Byrne Daire Murphy Michael V. O'Mahony Maxwell Sweeney Advertising: Liam O hOisin. Telephone: 305236 307860 Printing: Turner's Printing Co. Ltd., Longford. The views expressed in this publication, save where otherwise indicated, are the views of the contributors and not necessarily the views of the Council of the Society. The appearance of an advertisement in this publication does not necessarily indicate approval by the Society for the product or service advertised. Published at Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. Tel.: 710711. Telex: 31219. Fax: 710704. *


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