The Gazette 1987



Professional Information

Land Registry — issue of New Land Certificate Registration of Title Act, 1 9 64 An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Cer- tificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate as stated to have been lost or in- advertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Cer- tificate is being held. 28th day of September, 1987. J. B. Fitzgerald (Registrar of Titles) Central Office, Land Registry, (Clárlann na Talún), Chancery Street, Dublin 7. SCHEDULE OF REGISTERED OWNERS Jamas McGann, Falsk, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon; Folio No.: 33522; Lands: (1) Tonroe; (2) Lissawaddy; (3) Tonroe; (4) Ballyglass; Area: (1) 6 a . 3 r . 0 p; (2) 21a.2r.34p.; (3) 5a.3r.11p.; (4) 1a.0r.13p.; County: ROSCOMMON. Thomas McKinnsy, c/o Andrew Brennan, Lemgare, Clontibret, Co. Monaghan; Folio No.: 11761; Lands: Lemgare; Area: 12a.2r.33p.; County: MONAGHAN. Pstrick McGuirk, of Radrum, Dunray- mond, Co. Monaghan; Folio No.: 16606; Lands: Radrum; Area: 15a.0r.23p.; Coun- ty: MONAGHAN. Pstsr Gsirsn, c/o National Gallery, Merrion Square, Dublin 2; Folio No.: 4188F Co. Dublin; Lands: Property situate in the townland of Ballinteer and Barony of Rathdown, known as 9 Mayfield Terrace, Ballinteer; County: DUBLIN. Tsrsss O'Nsill of Ballydavid House, Ban- sha, Co. Tipperary; Folio No.: 145R; Lands: Ballydavid; Area: 110a.2r.28p.: County: TIPPERARY. Jsmss and Cathsrins Kavanagh of Kiltil- ly, Clonamon, Ferns, Co. Wexford; Folio No.: 1964; Lands: Kiltilly; Area: 73a.3r.9p.; County: WEXFORD. Paschal D. G r a h am of Tolerton, Ballickmoyler, Carlow, Co. Laois; Folio No.: 1 3 2 2; Lands: Ardateggle; Area: 28a.1r.12p.; County: QUEENS (LAOIS). Elian O'Brian of Ballinearly, Kilmacow, Co. Kilkenny; Folio No.: 1 5 3 2 3; Lands: Ballynearla; County: KILKENNY. Thomas Whyta, Ardcarn, Ballinasloe, Co. Roscommon; Folio No.: 18447; Lands: (1) Ardcarn; (2) Beagh (Brabazon); (3) Beagh (Brabazon); Area: (1) 18a.0r.29p.; (2) 3 a . 2 r . 3 8 p .; (3) 1a.2r.25p.; County: ROSCOMMON.

John Josaph Earley of Kiltoghert, Carrick- on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim; Folio No.: 16195; Lands: Kiltoghert; Area: 26a.3r.37p.; County: LEITRIM. John Kelly, Castletown, Geoghegan, Co. Westmeath; Folio No.: 4457; Lands: Garhy; Area: 26a.3r.2p.; County: WESTMEATH. James J. Parkinson of Ballycarnane, Tramore, Co. Waterford; Folio No.: 1924; Lands: Ballycarnane; Area: 81a.3r.25p.; County: WATERFORD. Adrian and Bernadette Harkins, both of 71 Merrion Village, Ballsbridge, Dublin; Folio No: 52253F; Lands: Mernon; County: DUBUN. Ma r t in McDo n a ld of Monasootagh, Camolin, Co. Wexford; Folio No.: 2523 clos- ed to 15133; Lands: Monasootagh; Area: 36a. 1 r.38p.; County; WEXFORD. John Spicer & Co. Ltd. of Navan, Co. Meath; Folio No.: 6489; Lands: Limekilnhill; Area: 10a.2r.19p.; County: MEATH. Finzar Machine Manufacturers Ltd. of 8 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin; Folio No.: 3833L; County: WATERFORD. John Walshe and Mary Walshe, both of 6 Prior Park Terrace, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary; Folio No.: 11 736F; Lands: Barnn Demesne; Area: 0.273 acres; County; TIPPERARY. Daniel O'Leary, Cloghroe, Inniscarra, Co. Cork; Folio No.: 91; Lands: Cloghroe; Area: 115a. 34p. County: CORK. Kate O'Hara, Cornamucklagh, Ballymoe, Co. Galway; Folio No.: 16260; Lands: Cor- namucklagh; Area: 23a. 1r. Op. County: GALWAY. Patrick Quinn, Station House, Kilalla, Co. Mayo; Folio No.: 27066; Lands: Townplots West; Area: 10a. Or. 15p. County: MAYO. Dunwatar Davalopmant Ltd. of 8 Arundel Square, Waterford; Folio No.: 8757; Lands: Coxtown East; Area: 17.169 acres; County: WATERFORD. Van. Archdeacon Francis Ryan and others, The Presbytery, Tipperary and the Parochial House, Caherconlish, Co. Limerick, respectively; Folio No.: 22446; Lands: Hundred Acres East; Area: 1a. Or. 3p. County: LIMERICK. Ross Diocesan Trustees, The Presbytery, Clonakilty, Co. Cork and V. Rev. Patrick Fullam of Barryroe, Lislevane, Bandon, Co. Cork; Folio No. 53453; Lands: Tirnanean; Area: 2a. Or. 1p. County: CORK. JOHN A. DOYLE, Ballintombay, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow; Folio No.: (1) 3578; (2) 3589; Lands: (1) Ballintombay Upper; (2) Ballin- tombay Lower; Area: (1) 69a. Or. 3p. (2) 12a. Or. Op. County: WICKLOW Mary Collins, Ballydonoghue, Tarbet, Co. Limerick; Folio No.: 1 0 0 4; Lands: Ballydonoghue; Area: 49a. Or. 20p. County: LIMERICK.

George Wade, 25 Peamount Road, Newcastle, Co. Dublin; Folio No. 2965F; Lands: - ; Area: - ; County: DUBLIN. Austin Muldoon, Oldbawn, Tallaght, Co. Dublin; Folio No.: 20; Lands: — ; Area: 8.435 hectares; County: DUBLIN. Brendan O'Hanlon, Ducavan, Co. Louth; Folio No.: 261 closed to 7825F; Lands: Ducavan; Area: 4.919 hectares; County: LOUTH. John Elwood, 2 Saint Joseph's Avenue, Galway; Folio No.: 21043F; Lands: Town Parks; Area: - ; County: GALWAY. Thomas Egan, Rahasane, Craughwell, Co. Galway; Folio No.: 3951; Lands: Rahasane; Area: 60a. Or. 20p. County: GALWAY. Frank Waldron, Knox St., Ballyhaunis, Co. Mayo; Folio No. 1 7 7 3 9; Lands: Pollnacroaghy Carownluggaun (part); Area: 1a. 2r. 11 p. County: MAYO. Patrick Karins, Barnacogue, Swinford, Co. Mayo; Folio No.: 3252; Lands: Bar- nacahoge; Area: 36a. Or. 33p. County: MAYO. John J. McCormack, Knockmoyleen, Ballycroy, Westport, Co. Mayo; Folio No.: 27771; Lands: Knockmoyleen (Knock- moyleen 1 undivided 7th part); Area: 25a. 3r. 34p. County: MAYO. Kildara County Council, Courthouse, Naas, Co. Kildare. Folio No.: 2984; Lands: Johnstown; Area: 7a.2r.32p.; County: KILDARE. Lost Title Deeds Annie Corcoran, deceased and Josephine Coulter, deceased; Premises: 2 Glenn Ter- race, Glkasthule, Co. Dublin. Will anyone having knowledge of the Documents of Title relating to the above property please contact A. T. Diamond & Co., Solicitors, 217 Clontarf Rd., Clontarf, Dublin 3. Phone: 333792/334126. THE LAND REGISTRY NASSAU BUILDING, SETANTA CENTRE, DUBLIN 2. IN THE MATTER OF THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT 1964 AND OF THE APPLICATION OF JAMES JOSEPH DENNENY IN RESPECT OF PROPERTY IN PORTRANE BARONY NETHER- CROSS, CO. DUBLIN. TAKE NOTICE that James Joseph Denneny, 51 Portrane, Donabate, County Dublin has lodged an Application for cancellation of the Leasehold in- terest registered as a burden on Folio 15519 County Dublin. The Original Lease dated 16th March, 1959 from James Sheehan to Mary Sheehan in respect of the above property is stated to have been lost or mislaid. The Application will be proceeded with unless notification is received in the Registry within one calender month from the date of publication of this Notice that the original Lease is in existence. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the Lease is held and quote Reference No. 87DN08462.

PAT O'BRIEN, Chief Examiner of Titles


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