The Gazette 1987



With regard to Section 10 it cannot be denied that there is some public concern at the present time with regard to sales of drink to young people and there seems to be a general desire that the law should be changed to make it more difficult for licensees to avoid conv i c t i on by mee t i ng the p r osecu t i on case w i t h the assertion 'I did not know the person was under 18'. At least a partial remedy might be to remove the word 'knowingly' from Section 10, but provide for a defence if the publican can show t hat he t ook all reasonable p r ecau t i ons to establish the customer's age before sale. It is only fair that this defence should be available in view of the drastic nature of the consequences of convictions attached to Section 10 by way of endorsement. On the other hand, if a court should hold that the removal of the word 'knowingly' from Section 10 did not thereby make the offence one of strict liability, we are back to square one in a Sherras -v- de Rutzen situation; in other words the prosecution, to be successful, would have to prove that the publican knew the customer was under age when he supplied him with intoxicating liquor, i.e. would have again to i ncorpora te 'knowingly' by implication. The problem is a complex one and it is difficult to suggest a sensible solution which would be fair to all parties. •

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