The Gazette 1987
IBM Authorised Persoml Computer Dealer INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR THE LEGAL OFFICE SOLIPS CASE PROCESSING SYSTEM Developed in Ireland for Irish Practices. Question and answer prompting. Can automatically choose and prepare relevant documents. Ready built applications available. User definable applications. Increases Fee Earner productivity/accuracy. Reduces risk. WORD PROCESSING Comprehensive and powerful facilities. LEGAL ACCOUNTING Ireland's most widely used system. T IME RECORDING Provides Management Information to improve control. PAYROLL Complies with all statutory requirements. ELECTRONIC OFFICE Di a r y /Ma i l / Te l ex /Ex t e r nal databases.
Star Computer Ireland is the leading supplier to the legal profession and is committed to continuous product development. With a reputation for excellent support and 13 years' experience serving professional markets. Star understands and can help identify your requirements. We have a wide range of appropriate solutions and provide full training and countrywide support to protect your investment.
Contact: Malcolm McConkey Star Computer Ireland
38 Wellington Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Telephone 683121 & 608485 Telex 30436 Dublin Cork Belfast
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