The Gazette 1987
"Do i ng Business in Ireland" Launch "Doing Business in Ireland" is a comprehensive (1,407 page) refer- ence work to all legal aspects of doing business with and in Ireland. Published by Matthew Bender of New York as part of a series of similar national legal guides, the book was launched at a reception in the Atrium at Trinity College, Dublin, on Wednesday, 10th June, 1987, at which the guest of honour was the Attorney General, Mr. John Murray, S.C. It is the result of collaboration between Trinity College and the Dublin firm of Solicitors, McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley. The Editor of the book is Dr. Patrick Ussher, Fellow of Trinity College, and Associate Editor, Brian J. O'Connor, a partner with McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley, assisted by the late Prof. Charles
McCarthy, Professor of Industrial Relations at Trinity College, who died in September, 1986. More than 30 specialists con- tributed to the book's 18 detailed chapters covering both the laws of the Republic and relevant EEC law as it affects Ireland. It provides a means of rapid reference for a broad spectrum of business and professional users: lawyers, accountants, bankers, exporters, investors, company secretaries, government depart- ments, overseas companies plan- ning to set up industries in Ireland and their professional advisors. Subjects covered include: * The Irish Legal Environment. * Irish Business Organisation. * Acquiring an Existing Irish Business. * Planning and Pollution Control Laws.
* Employment Laws. * Franchising. * Exploitation of Minerals and Hydrocarbons. * Trade Secrets and Confidential Information. * Banks and other Financial Insti- tutions. * Product Liability. * General Scheme of Income Tax. * Double Tax Treaties. The book is priced at US$85. The publishers plan yearly updates on legal developments and replace- ment pages or supplements when necessary that can be easily in- serted in the binder format. The book may be ordered from Matthew Bender's English office at 1 7 Clifton Road, London N3 2AS or direct from the publishers American address at 1275 Broad- way, Albany, New York 12201, U.S.A.
Pictured at the launch of "Doing Business in Ireland" in the Atrium, Trinity College, Dublin, on June 10th, 1 9 8 7, are from left to right: Professor Patrick Ussher, Fellow Trinity College, Editor "Doing Business in Ireland", the Attorney General, Mr. John Murray SC and Associate Editor, Mr. Brian O'Connor, Solicitor, McCann Fitzgerald Sutton Dudley. 189
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