The Gazette 1987
" W h o Does t he Law Se r v e?"
King's Inns Library on 25 June. The booklet is available for sale at the King's Inns, the Law Library and the Law Society Reception Desk; price £2.00. •
At a recent seminar, organised by the Coolock, Dublin, Community Law Centre in conjunction with the Free Legal Advice Centres, Thomas D. Shaw, Senior Vice-President of the Law Society, pointed out that means tests, inevitably delays and long waiting lists had resulted in the Civil Legal Aid Scheme failing to provide the speed and recourse to justice which anybody con- nected with the law would like to have seen. He asked whether it was better to have the present Scheme, in its limited and incom- plete form, or would it be better to abolish the present Scheme in favour of some other which must, of its nature, operate on a totally voluntary basis, such as at present operated by F.L.A.C. and the Civil Legal Aid Board. He regretted that no system had evolved to enable the t wo to work side by side. Mr. Shaw added that the supply of civil legal aid should be broad and com- prehensive, and he criticised suc- cessive governments for failing to allocate adequate funding for civil legal aid. • \ In Brief V J S Miss Justice Mella Carroll has been appointed to the Administra- tive Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation based in Geneva. She will continue to serve as a High Court judge in Ireland to which she was appointed in 1980. The Tribunal acts as the court of final appeal in disputes on admin- istrative and personnel matters arising between the staff and management of 23 international organisations. • The Hono r ab le Soc i e ty o f K i ng ' s I nns A concise illustrative history of the King's Inns by Daire Hogan, Solicitor, was launched by the Chief Justice at a reception in the I n t e r na t i onal Labour Or gan i sa t i on
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Quo t e . . . "The affairs of too many clients are dealt with too slowly and too many clients are not told or fail to understand how their affairs are being dealt with." — from the Twelfth annual report of the Lay Observer 1986 (HMSO). The Lay Observer is appointed by the Lord Chancellor of England to review the Law Society's treat- ment of complaints against sol- icitors. The present holder of the office is Mr. Lionel Lightman who was appointed last year. •
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