The Gazette 1986


A P R IL 1986

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Solicitors — how public are your private conversations? The problem of private consultation» oeing overheard by those in waiting areas is quite a common one, particularly when the areas is close to the consulting room. Now there is an inexpensive electronic solution to this problem that is easy to install and requires no structural alteration! With Soundmasking, conversations are kept private and confi- dential — a benefit for both lawyers and their clients Soundmasking is specified by many leading companies, both large and small, Doctors. Solicitors, Accoun- tants, Architects, Banks and Security Firms. sounnm For further particulars contact: OFFICE ENVIRONMENT DESIGN LTD.

S.Y.S. Typescripts Service The latest scripts available are those from the November 1985 Seminar in Cavan. They are: Lecture 162 — Value Added Tax Aspects of Real Property £3.00 by post-£3.75 Lecture 163 — Company Directors Aspects of Per- sonal Liability £5.00 by pos t - £6 . 20 Lecture 164 — Extradition £2.00 by post-£2.65 The latest Bound Volume is No. 8, containing Lectures 151 to 161. The inclusive price is £62.33 (postage by unregistered parcel extra £3.50). It is not anticipated that Volume 9 will be available before the end of 1987 - it may be late in 1988 - depending on when a suitable quantity of lectures is available. Lectures and Bound Volumes can be ordered from 15 Braemor Park, Dublin 14 Please note that increased charges apply from the 1st March 1986 — earlier postal rates are now incorrect.

25 Harcoourt Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: 780499/780037. ask for FREE TRIAL


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