The Gazette 1986
The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland PUBLICATIONS Textbooks Packingand Postage extra Cases and Materials on the Irish Constitution. J. O'Reilly and M. Redmond, 1980 £25.00 £2.20 Garda Síochána Guide. 5th edition, 1981 £40.00 £2.20 Principles of Corporation Tax in the Republic of Ireland.
A. G. Williams, 1981, incl. Service Issues Nos. 1 and 2
£20.00 £5.00
£2.20 £1.00
Service Issue No. 2 (Finance Act 1982) only
Irish Cases on Evidence. J. S. R. Cole. 2nd edition, 1982
The Law of Local Government in the Republic of Ireland. R. Keane, 1982
Dismissal Law in the Republic of Ireland. M- Redmond, 1983
Sale of Goods and Supply of Services: a Guide to the Legislation. V. Grogan, T. King and E. Donelan, 1983
Planning and Development Law. E. M. Walsh. 2nd edition. R. Keane, 1984
The Limitation of Actions in the Republic of Ireland. J. C. Brady and A. Kerr, 1984
The Succession Act, 1965, W. McGuire, 2nd Edition. R. A. Pearce, 1985
Trees and the Law. H. M. Fitzpatrick, Forestry Consultant, 1985
Acts of the Oireachtas Reprint Volumes
Prices and Order Form available on application
Building Agreements (50) (including V.A.T.)
£ 7 . 38
Conditions of Sale (50) (including V.A.T.)
£ 6.15
Requisitions on Title (50) (including V.A.T.)
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