The Gazette 1986
It's up to you, you Know. You've chosen to make your own way, not to depend on anyone else for a job, an income. But sooner or later, youll retire. And how well youll be provided for in your retirement is down to how well you plan your future now. It really is that simple. You could spend a little time now planning your future with Ireland's foremost personal financial experts.
The options are as numerous as there are individuals. Something we pointed out in our book "Pensions for Individuals'". Come and talk to us. Ask for our Pensions Manager, Brendan Spring. You may not ever want to be looking down the bonnet at the silver lady. But you probably don't want to have to take the bus either. GUINNESS MAHON
FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. 17, College Green, Dublin 2. Telephone. 796944
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