The Gazette 1986

g a z e t t e

j u l y / a u g u s t 1986

2-day Course on PRODUCT LIABILITY TO BE HELD IN DUBL IN on t he 11th & 12th Novembe r, 1986

The EEC Council adopted the Directive on Product Liability in July 1985. This Directive imposes an obligation on the governments of member states to enact legislation so as to bring their national law into line with the Directive within three years. Such legislation will be necessary both in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland. The phrase "Product Liability" tends to evoke visions of an alien American system. In fact there is extensive liability for products under existing law. This two day conference will outline the present position, the American experience and consider in detail the changes required by the Directive together with the practical implications of its adoption.


1st DAY 10.00-11.30

2nd DAY 10.00-11.30

The Existing Law I Liability in Contract Express Terms, Implied Terms and Misrepresentations The Existing Law II Liability in Tort The Development of a Duty of Care The Standard of Care Causation, Remoteness and Types of Damage The American Experience Merger of Contract and Tort Theories Strict Liability in Tort What does "Defective" Mean Questions and Discussion.

The EEC Directive — Main Features Introduction of Strict Liability The Development Risk Defence Exempted Areas Implementation of the Directive Defining "Defective". Who is Liable? Causation; Contributory Negligence; Limitation and Cut Off Periods Some Practical Problems Insurance; Product Liability and Safety Questions and Discussion.

11.45- 1.15

11.45- 1.15

2.30- 4.00

2.30- 4.00

4.15- 5.00

4.15- 5.00

SPEAKER PROFESSOR MICHAEL P. FURMSTON, TD, MA, BCL, LLM, of Gray's Inn, Barrister, Professor or Law and Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Bristol and Visiting Professor at the City University. Formerly Senior Law Fellow, Lincoln College, Oxford. Editor of 10th Edition of Cheshire and Fifoot on Contract and 8th Edition of Cheshire and Fifoot's Cases on the Law of Contract. AnCO — The Industrial Training Authority Grants are available for attendance at courses and application should be made to the Industrial Training Authority in Dublin, Cork, Dundalk, Galway, Limerick, Sligo or Waterford. ICE: Chilver And R. /. C. S. Certificates will be issued on request to delegates wishing to apply to the Institution of Civil Engineers and/or the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors for recognition under their Continuing Professional Development Requirements. VENUE SHELBOURNE HOTEL, ST. STEPHEN'S GREEN, DUBLIN 2. FEE AND REGISTRATION The Fee for this course is £230.00 (sterling) which includes attendance at all sessions, morning coffee, lunch with wine, tea and notes. Kindly return the attached form of application as soon as possible when ticket(s) of admission will be forwarded.

Bookings other than post: Tel: Ashford (0233) 22101 Telex: 27578 LONFAC G

Bookings by post to: School of Business Et Industrial Management, Caxton House, Wellesley Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8ET England


Name of Company, Firm or other Organisation Address

Profession/Business/Industry represented Correspondence to be marked for the attention of Designation Please reserve places for the following delegate(s) 1


2 4 Kindly state name(s) and position(s) of delegate(s) where known. Our cheque to the value of £ payable to the SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT.

being payment at the rate of £230.00 (sterling) per delegate is enclosed and made



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