The Gazette 1986




Launch of Video "It's the Law"

Practice Note Litigation Committee — Personal Injury Litigation In view of recent cases in which clients have attempted to renege on settlements of actions made on their behalf by Solicitors or Counsel, the Litigation Committee reminds solicitors of the need to ensure that there is clear evidence of the clients' authority to effect the settlement. It is recommended that the authority should be in writing and signed by the client and should set out in detail the terms on which the action is being settled. In particular the amount of any deductions relating to the special damages or other outlay or solicitor and client costs from the gross amount of the settlement should be clearly set out. In relation to settlements which take place on the day of the projected hearing of the case it is suggested that solicitors might prepare a form of authority in advance, filling in the appropriate amounts once agreement has been reached with the client. • EDUCATION OFFICER The Law School of the Society requires a solicitor for one year to act as Education Officer. The job will include running the Society's examination system, servicing the Education and the Education Advisory Committees and maintaining the Profession's Employment Register. A knowledge of computers and word processing would be an advantage. The salary will be commensurate with experience. Applications in own handwriting with typed Curri- culum Vitae to Professor Laurence Sweeney, Director of Training, Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND

At Blackhall Place on the 14 May, 1986, the Minister for Education, Mr. Patrick Cooney, T.D., Solicitor, launched the video " I t ' s the Law", produced by the Law Society for use in schools. The Senior Vice Presi- dent, Mr. David Pigot, welcomed the Minister and the selected guests, which included representatives of the Depártment of Education, the Probate Service, the Juvenile Liaison Scheme, and the teaching profession. Mr. Pigot thanked the people involved with the prepara- tion of the video, including Des Hickey and Maxwell Sweeney. After the 14 minute video was shown to the guests, the Minister, Mr. Cooney, congratulated the Society for its initiative in producing the video, which he felt confident would prove a very useful introduction to school students as to how laws are made and what their purpose is. He also complimented the teachers' guide which accompanies the video. He hoped that the Society might consider producing other videos illustrating more specific legal topics. The video 44 It's the Law " is available from the Society, price £20.00, including teachers' notes. Note: Some Bar Associations have already decided to purchase copies of the video for presentation to local schools in their areás. Also, a number of Bar Associations are also preparing a panel of solicitors who would, if invited, attend at schools to address students on law and the Courts, and their purpose in society. •


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