The Gazette 1985

APRIL 1985


Our managing partner believes that the real key to our relative success in adopting word-processing is that two solicitors (without much difficulty) trained themselves on the machines thereby becoming aware of their full potential and being able to direct and encourage both solicitors and secretaries to develop new applications of the technology for the benefit of the firm. For the future we would hope in time to improve the ratio of secretaries to fee earners and already last year due to the increase in productivity generated we managed to cover holiday and sickness absences without employing temporary staff, whose effectiveness we have found in the past to be very limited. We would anticipate linking our accounts computer with our word-processors soon as the momentum of development relating to the electronic office gathers pace. If every fee earner does not have an individual terminal on his or her desk within two years I for one will be very disappointed. • 19 D U K E S T R E E T , D U B L I N 2. T e l : 7 7 9 9 5 4 / 7 7 0 7 9 5. T e l e x : 9 1 0 05 A S K EI B , Safeguard I Business ^ Systems SAFEGUARD SYSTEMS IRELAND LTD. LUCAN, CO. DUBLIN. Telephone 0 1 - 5 8 0 1 9 0. 5 5 1 3 6 9, 5 5 1 2 51 A S K L S T R A N S L A T I ON S ERV I CE LTD. TRANSLATORS AND INTERPRETERS

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