The Gazette 1985


APRIL 1985

* JPlMal 3?©S


T h i s ! It's a fee managing system for Barristers and it could make your life a lot easier. Like for instance, producing your V.A.T. returns, a headache at the best of t imes - not with The B R I E F. Quick and easy recording of fees makes print ing of Fee Notes simpl ici ty i tsel f. Not to mention issuing V.A.T. Invoices for payments received. The S y s t em Comprising of an Apple Macintosh XL Computer, with built-in Word Processor to handle your Opinions, Drafts, Letters and The B R I E F, for your accounts providing fast retrieval of information. For the technical minded it also has a 10 Megabyte Hard Disk which means room for your accounts, Word Processing and more besides. Judge for yourself, contact Ken Barker r——y i s o n e B . R . I . E . F . y o u s h o u l d t a k e



Q.T.H. COMPUTERS Dawson House 2 9 / 30 Dawson Street Dublin 2.

Telephone 7 7 9 4 5 9 / 7 7 9 5 3 3


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