The Gazette 1985
15. [1915] 1 I.R. 345 at 378-379. 16. High Court, unreported, 23rd May 1974.
17. (1888) 40 Ch. D 135, Kenny J. also cited Irvine -v- Union Bank of Australia (1877) 2 A.C. 366. 18. At page 10 of his unreported judgment. 19. Ibid, at p. 11. 20. For this reason Professor Gower says that the case is a strong one Principles of Modern Company Law (4th Edition, London 1979) at 183. 21.(1856) 6 E. and B. 327 at 332. 22. [1896] 2 Ch. 743. 23. S.I. No. 163 of 1973. 24. Council Directive of 9 March 1968, No. 68/151. 25. [1982] 3 All E.R. 551. 26. See generally Ussher (1975) 10 Irish Jurist 39. 27. Clause 3 of S.I. No. 163 of 1973. 28. [1982] 3 All E.R. 551. 29. See clauses 4(1X0 and 6(3) of S.I. No. 163 of 1973. 30. See the observations of Lord Hatherley in Mahony -v- East Holy ford Mining Co. [1875] L.R. 7 H.L. 869 at 893. 31. See also as protective provisions section 178 of the Companies Act 1963 and Table A, article 108. The effect of these provisions is to validate the acts of a director or manager who has not been validly appointed because there was some slip or irregularity in his appoint- ment or qualification. The provisions do not validate acts where there has been no appointment at all: Morris-v-Kanssen [1946] A.C. 459. Nor do they validate acts which could not have been done even by a properly qualified director: Craven-Ellis -v- Canons Ltd. [1936] 2 K.B. 403.
An Apprentice Proposes
I am sure you can Notice Emotion As I Summons my courage to speak. You can Judge for yourself my devotion, In my Trials I must not be meek. Goliath-like is my affection— a mere Half-a-David am I. My heart is aimed in your Direction And Counsels me not to be shy. Your Appearance, whenever you Enter It leaves me without a Defence. Oh please be my willing Consenter Don't say that I've given Offence. Oh may I Bespeak your Hand dear I pray that you give your Reply. Determine this Suit in my favour, If you turn down my Pleadings, I'll die. M. O'Sullivan
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