The Gazette 1985



HlCKSONHOUDAYl CROSSWORD NO. 3 The prize for the winner o f the competition each month will be a Hickson Holiday Voucher to the value of £100, which will be valid as part-payment against any of the apartment holidays outlined in the Hickson Holidays 1985 brochure. The winner of Crossword No. 2 as published in the De c emb er issue is:— Aidan Mc Lo ugh l i n, 68 Co r r ib Ro a d, Terenure, Dublin 6. S O L U T I O N : C R O S S W O RD NO . 2


1. Informer. 5. Menace. 9. Per minas. 10. Retort. 12. Grapevine. 13. Utter. 14. Fine. 16. Main one. 19. Emitted.

21. Bond. 24. Enter.

Down 2. Agreed to be of the same mind. 2,4 3. One in a million, or even more. 6 4. Skilled occupations. 6 5. This meets this in close confronta- tion. 7 6. Material gains involving moral obliquity. 6 11. Move it with a lot of effort. 5 13. A d ema nd for the balance on those partly paid-up shares. 4 17. M o r a l l y b i n d i n g — o n a Clergyman? 9 19. Rewards — paid to sailors of old. 8 20. A little island for the bride to walk down. 5 22. This order made bv juvenile court. 4 23. Acknowledge, or perhaps claim falsely. 7 25. What the friend allowed for weary limbs. 6 6 29. Nine RN in the gastric juice. 6. (Anag) 7. Give one a bad deal. 8 8. Left nothing of it. 4,2,3 27. Can do. financially. 6 28. A story in instalments.


Inherent bodily powers in Univer- sity branches. 9 Legal or moral rights. 6 Moderate. 8 Sought out. like the big game. 6 Conclude by reasoning. 6 Somewhat 'stricken in years'. 4 Stand for the artist. 5 Compliance — as despatched. 6 Blue Ena and her gassy clouds in space. 7. (Anag) Solo musical performance. 7 Unlawfully seizes. 6 Raises and stands on his hind legs. 5 She's the lowest when it comes to singing. 4 A probing remark. 6 Trial by — judicial combat. 6 Feelings played on — in court perhaps. 8 Definitely required. 6 Such as a profitable hobby. 1,8


25. Co n d emn e d.

27. Swedes. 28. Official. 29. Losses. 30. Stressed.


10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 18. 21. 24. 26. 30. 31. 32. SJ. 34. 35. J 1


1. Impugn. 2. Formal. 3. Raise. 4. Evasive.

6. Execution. 7. Adoption. 8. Extorted. 11. Term. 15. Interfere. 17. Reversal. 18. Distress. 20. Dock. 22. Unties. 23. Addled. 26. Elite. 21. Benefit.

C R O S S W O RD N O . 3



Entries must be returned to: Editor, Law Society Gazette,

Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.


Closing date: 29 Ma r c h, 1985


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