The Gazette 1985
1985 INDEX
ARTICLES Beneficial Interests, Conveyancers and the Occupational Hazard (J. Conlon), 2 -59-66 The Brussels Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments (G. Moloney; G. Kremlis), 10 -329-37 Campus Oil (M. Hayden), 10 -347-8 Capital Acquisitions Tax and the Favourite Nephew Relief (D. Kennedy), 3 -91-5 Capital Taxation on Settled Property following the Finance Act, 1985 (D. Kennedy), 7 -243-9 The Competition Policy of the European Community (P. D. Sutherland), 7 -229-33; 8 -269-76 Conduct of Legal Action brought on foot of the C.M.R. Rules (B. J. McGovern), 9 -301-7 Criminal Justice Act, 1984 (G. F. Griffin), 1 -30-1 Divorce in England (D. Moloney), 4 -125-8 The Family Law Act, 1981 —Yet another Pandora's Box? (A. Power), 5 -169-73 How do we clamp down on the problem of Company Fraud? (J. Bermingham), 6 -213-14 How EEC law affects practitioners (M. Robinson), 1 -5-8; 2 -73-5; 3 -85-8; 4 -145-7; 5 -161-4; 6 -197-200 Income Tax, Corporation Tax, Capital Gains Tax: The liability of solicitors as agents for non-resident clients (T. S. McCann), 3 -112-14 The Indoor Management Rule in Ireland (G. McCormack), 1 -17-20 The Mistaken Improver of Land (R. A. Pearce), 5 -179-83 Operate your own Word Processor (J. Turley), 4 -133-4 Plain English (T. Whiting), 7 -253-5 Regulation of the Media: Irish and European Community dimensions (E. G. Hall; P. J. McGovern), 2 -45-50 Serious Capital Loss in Companies (G. McCormack), 8 -285-7 Word Processing in a medium-sized solicitor's office) (C. Curran), 2 -69-70 You can say 'Accident' in French: Road accidents in France and how to cope legally (A. Cornec), 3 -104-08 ASSOCIATIONS AND SOCIETIES see also under Photographs AIJA, 1 -35; 9 -315 Apprentices Athletics Club, 7 -235 Apprentices/Legal Offices Olympic Handball Club (ltr.), 9 -316; 10 -356 C.C.B.E. 9 -309 International Bar Association, 2 -67; 4 -137; 5 -189; 6 -210 Medico-Legal Society, 5 -175; 7 -259; 8 -293; 10 -353 Roscommon Bar Association, 4 -151 Solicitors' Apprentices Debating Society of Ireland, 4 -121; AGM, 9 -317 Solicitors' Benevolent Association, 2 -52; 10 -340 Solicitors' Golfing Society, 5 -178; 8 -283; 10 -357 Tipperary Bar Association, 6 -202 BOOK REVIEWS Casebook on Irish Family Law, A, (W. Binchy), 3-99 Cases and Comment on Irish Commercial Law and Legal Technique (R. Byrne), 10 -352-3 2
S UB J ECT I NDEX References are to issue number followed by page number. Abbreviations: edl. (editorial/comment); Itr. (letter).
ACCIDENTS see: Personal Injury Claims; Road Accidents ACTS OF THE OIREACHTAS Age of Majority Act, 1985 (edl.), 2 -43 Broadcasting Authority Act, 1960, 1 -46 Capital Acquisitions Tax Act, 1976, ss.23-6, 7- 243, 246-7 para.9, Part 1, Sch. 2, 3 -91-4 Capital Gains Tax Act, 1975, 3 -113 ss.15, 24, 7 -243, 245-7; s.26, 3 -94 Carriage of Goods by Road Act, 1965, 9 -301 Companies Act, 1963, s.8,1 -17,20 Companies (Amendment) Act, 1983, s.40 (G. McCormack), 8 -285-7 Courts Act, 1981, 9 -302 Criminal Justice Act, 1984 (G. F. Griffin), 1-30-1 European Communities Act, 1972, 1 -7-8 Exchange Control Act, 1954, s.5, 2 -53 Family Home Protection Act, 1976„2 -62; 5 -170-1 Family Law Act, 1981 (A. Power), 5 -169-73 Finance Act, 1985, s.59, 9 -317; ss.61-3 (D. Kennedy), 7 -243-9 Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968, ss.20-2, 8 -278 Fire Services Act, 1981, 9 -314 Income Tax Act, 1967, ss.200,201,205,3 -112-14 Land Act, 1965, s.45, 3 -85; 4 -131; 9 -314 Marriages Act, 1972, 2 -43 Protection of Employees (Employers Insolvency) Act, 1984, 1 -11 Registration of Title Act, 1964, s.72, 2 -59, 61-4 Succession Act, 1965, 5 -171-2 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE press reporting of court cases (edl.), 4-123 ADMIRALTY LAW, see Maritime Law ADVERTISING Restrictive Practices Comm. Report (edl.), 1 -1 AGE OF MAJORITY (edl.), 2 -43 AGENCY tax liability of solicitors as agents for non-resident clients (T. S. McCann), 3 -112-14 AGRICULTURAL LAND right of EEC nationals to acquire (M. Robinson), 3 -85 V.A.T. on, 2 -53 APPRENTICESHIP in-office training: suggestions for improvement, 1-13
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