The Gazette 1985




Correspondence — (continued from page 185)


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The Editor, Law Society Gazette, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7.

June 1985

Dear Editor, I represent the third generation of our firm and after reading the letter published in your March Gazette written by Mr. Harry C. P. Barry of the Cashel firm of Charles M. Barry & Son I started writing my own letter with a little boast that we beat Mr. Barry's firm of three generations by approximately one year, because some years back I had the good fortune to find the very first letter book of our firm written in the handwriting of my late grandfather, Michael J. O'Connor, and the first copy letter, dated the 28th November 1888, was his application to the secretary of the Law Society to be put on the Roll of Solicitors, and his second copy letter was an application to the Postmaster of Wexford town to be given a formal postal address for the firm. I was about to dispatch this letter when I noted that Mr. Joseph Grace of Tralee had written a letter which has appeared in your May Gazette, and which knocks us all into a tin hat. However, I still claim that we are entitled to be considered as contenders when I add to our own firm the Clonmel firm of O'Brien & Binchy the principal of which is Don Binchy, this year's junior Vice President together with the firm of Messrs. Thomas Dillon-Leetch & Company, Ballyhaunis, because the founders of all these firms were respectively my grandfather, Michael J. O'Connor, Don Binchy's grandfather, James Binchy, my "grandfather in law" Thomas Dillon Leetch, were not only great friends but they were all admitted to practice as solicitors in the same year and all established their firms in 1888. But what makes us all a bit unique is the interlinking by marriage. Rosemary Binchy, Don's sister, is married to Thomas Callan, Solicitor of Boyle, whose sister Sylvia married me when we were both barristers just over twenty-five years ago, whereupon I got disbarred to join the family firm here in Wexford. I would add an item of further interest that Sylvia and Tom's grandfather, Thomas Dillon Leetch, was one of the founders of the Solicitors Apprentices Debating Society of Ireland in 1884. In just three years time in 1988, when all these legal firms of the O'Connors, the Binchys, the Dillon-Leetchs and the Callans are celebrating their centenary, we intend having a great 'bash' at Blackhall Place and I now extend a cordial invitation to the families of the Barrys and the Graces, all to join in — everybody going 'dutch'!! Are there any other firms in Ireland of three or more generations who would like to join in? Yours sincerely, James J. O'Connor, Solicitor,

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M.J. O'Connor & Co., 2, Lr. George's Street, Wexford.

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